Date and Time | Session | ICANN/At-Large Community Member | Notes |
3 November 2020, 19:00-20:00 | IGF 2020 Pre-Event #33 Internet 101 | ICANN org |
| IGF 2020 Pre-Event #42 Stakeholder Balance: Do we need factored balance, factored differently between one Governance topic and another? | Siva (Internet Society India Chennai) |
2 November 2020 18:35 – 20:05 | IGF 2020 Pre-Event #47 DNS-Abuse in the age of COVID-19 | ICANN org |
| IGF 2020 WS #20 Exploring the future of endangered languages in cyberspace | Judith Hellerstein, |
Monday, 9 November 2020 г. - с 10:40 до 12:10 | IGF 2020 WS #37 Community Network, Electricity and Digital Inclusion | Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro, |
Tuesday, 10 November, 2020 - 11:40 to 13:10 | IGF 2020 WS #97 Fact-Checking: A Realm for Multi-stakeholder model? | Obed Sindy |
Thursday, 12 November, 2020 - 17:30 to 19:00 | IGF 2020 WS #180 Trust, Media Ethics & Governance During COVID-19 Crisis | Amrita Choudhury, |
Thursday, 5 November, 2020 - 20:20 to 21:20 CET | IGF 2020 OF #34 Global Forum on Cyber Expertise (GFCE) | Moderator: Kulesza Joanna |
Fri, 6 Nov, 2020 - 17:10 to 18:40 UTC | IGF 2020 The Criticality of the Internet for SIDS in a global crisis | Maureen Hilyard, Tracy Hackshaw Speakers from Small Island Developing States of the Pacific, Caribbean and AIMS (Atlantic & Indian Oceans, Mediterranean & South China Seas) |
Mon, 9 Nov, 2020, 7:40 to 8:40 UTC | IGF 2020 WS #187 Open data For Women and Persons with disabilities | Joan Katambi, Uganda Institute of Information and Communications Technology |
Tuesday, 10 November, 2020 - 15:10 to 16:40 CET | IGF 2020 WS #81 Overcoming the US-China digital Cold War | Speakers: Kulesza Joanna |
Thursday, 12 November, 2020 - 1716:10 to 1817:40 CET UTC | IGF #165 Unlocking the Digital Potentials of Developing & Least Developed Countries | Organizer 5: Mary Uduma, Nigeria Internet Governace Forum Speakers: Kulesza Joanna |
13 November, 2020 - 14:00 to 15:00 UTC | IGF 2020 WS #204 Internet Data Protection Under Different Jurisdictions | Organizers: Nadira Al Araj, Tijani Ben Jemaa Speakers: Kulesza Joanna, Leon Sanchez, |
Monday, 16 November, 2020 - 13:10 to 14:10 | IGF 2020 WS #231 Youth&Sustainability: Creating change through collaboration | Edmon Chung, |
Wednesday, 11 November, 2020 - 14:20 to 15:20 | IGF 2020 WS #234 Security of digital products: Industry and enhancing trust | Barrack Otieno, |
10 November, 14:10-15:40 UTC | WS107&248 Educational Opportunities & Challenges in Times of Crisis | Glenn McKnight, Alfredo Calderon, Narine Khachatryan |
Monday, 16 November, 2020 - 09:30 to 11:00 CET UTC | IGF 2020 WS #267 Universal Acceptance of Domain Names and Email Addresses | Speaker 1: Kulesza Joanna, Civil Society, Eastern European Group Speaker 2: Pei Wei, Technical Community, Asia-Pacific Group Speaker 3: Ajay Data, Technical Community, Asia-Pacific Group Speaker 4: Akinori Maemura, Technical Community, Asia-Pacific Group |
| IGF 2020 WS #317 DNS-Abuse in the Age of COVID-19: Lessons Learned | ICANN org David Conrad, Adiel Akplogan, and John Crain |