Meeting Number: AL.MTC/MT.0914/1
How can I participate in this meeting?
Action Items: EN
Recording: EN
Transcript: EN
AC Chat Transcript: EN
Adobe Connect Meeting Room: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/metrics-wg/
0. All WG Members requested to review previous meeting on March 11th.
Records of previous meeting can be found here.
1. Welcome & Attendance (3 min - CLO/Staff)
2. Review of the last meeting outcomes and Action items of the meeting 5 - 10min - WG/Staff)
Last meeting - Action Items At-Large Metrics Working Group Meeting 2014.03.11
- All WG members to review Maureen's PPT and prepare comments for live discussion in Singapore.
- Unlicensed userTijani BEN JEMAA to work on the report and send it to Maureen and the WG.
- Unlicensed userGisella Gruber to obtain attendance records of ALAC meeting face to face meetings.
- Unlicensed userMaureen to add one additional slide (7) to the PPT
Final comments on the draft below are requested before the next meeting of the Metrics Sub-committee on Wednesday 24 September at 14.00UTC
See: At-Large Metrics Sub-Committee Drafting Workspace - outlining the work and agreements of the London meeting.
4. Main Cross RALO items:
- Metrics – ALAC, RALO, and ALS Metric Expectations and Requirements Workspace
- RALOs current activities re METRICs:
Update of ROPs (LACRALO and AFRALO are updating their respective ROPs)
See: APRALO Rules of Procedure 2014
See: Post - ATLAS II Activities Workspace
Recommendation 43:
43 | RALOs should encourage their inactive ALS representatives to comply with ALAC minimum participation requirements. | ALAC; RALOs |
5. Preparing for ICANN51 meeting ( 5-10 mins)
Monday, 13 October 2014 - 15:00 - 16:00 - At-Large Metrics Working Group
See: Los Angeles Meeting Agendas Workspace - Agenda needs to be drafted
7. References:
ALAC (new) Rules of Procedure 2013
ALS Metrics Should Do Activities
Existing WG Wiki Pages