NA: Eduardo Diaz, Glenn McKnight
Dial-out Participants:
EN: Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Daniel Nanghaka, Ali Almeshal, Judith Hellerstein , Eduardo Diaz, Glenn McKnight, Alfredo Calderon, Billy Gibendi, Wale Bakare, Sarah Kiden,
ES: Maritza Agüero
Apologies: Maureen Hilyard, Satish Babu, Wale BakareHumberto Carrasco
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Claudia Ruiz, Evin Erdoğdu, Claudia Ruiz
ES Interpreters: Veronica and Claudia
Call Management: Claudia Ruiz
Action Items: EN
AC Chat: EN
1. Roll call and adoption of the Agenda (Olivier Crépin-Leblond - 3 minutes)
2. Review of Action Items: 2018-07-19
(Olivier Crépin-Leblond - 15 minutes)
- 1.Silvia Vivanco to include the RALO Hot topics to the Agenda of the August teleconference.
- 2.Silvia Vivanco to add the topic of best practices to improve two way communications (between ALAC Representatives and RALOs) to be included to the Agenda of the Barcelona meeting.
- 3.Olivier Crépin-Leblond to contact RALO co-chairs (once selected ) of the ALAC O&E WG, who will work on their respective O&E plans.
- 4.All RALOs unanimously agreed to recommend to the ALAC that the CROP RT be eliminated.
- 5.Heidi Ullrich to add an item under "For Decision" on the July ALAC call to discuss the RALO request to close the CROP RT.
- 6.Silvia Vivanco to reach out to the RALOs asking them to designate 2 new CROP Program coordinators.
- 6a. RALO FY19 Requests for Funding to support an Outreach Activity - Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated) to add the criteria to a google doc so all RALO leadership can comment on it.
- 6b. Heidi Ullrich to draft criteria text on travel and to add point that invidividuals are eligible for RALO Discretionary Funding.
- 7. Alan Greenberg to consolidate the various documents and papers on the ALS Criteria and Expectations and send it to the At-Large Review implementation WG.
- 8. Heidi Ullrich to look at the RALO 2010 Survey and its usefulness and get back to the group.
- 9. Heidi Ullrich to inform the ARIWG of the draft text for the survey and request review.
- 10. Olivier Crépin-Leblond to inform the SC on O/E of timeline for the Survey
- 11. Silvia Vivanco, Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated) and Heidi Ullrich to take first swipe at updating the Regional Leadership wiki pages, to be re-organized, updated and to archive old wikis.
- 12. Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated) to arrange for professional photos to be taken at the ICANN meetings so they can be placed on the RALO wikis.
- 13. Yesim Saglam to send a doodle for a call late August.
3. RALO Hot topics updates and next steps (all - 15 minutes)
4. RALOs Outreach & Engagement Strategic plans (Olivier Crépin-Leblond and all- 15 minutes)
5. Criteria for the RALO FY19 Discretionary funding (Olivier Crépin-Leblond and all- 15 minutes)
google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IbBEIFdX7mtZbovOKtUZYBbFBtqTALnsovx_Q698_FM/edit?ts=5b570740
6 a. Cleaning up of the At-Large Regional Leadership Workspace,
(Olivier Crépin-Leblond - 10 minutes)
6 b.
Cleaning up Wikipages
- Updating location maps on At-Large Website (ICANN Web Admin)
- Decertification of ALSes:
At-Large Structure Decertification Workspace
AFRALO ALSes Wiki / Website
APRALO ALSes Wiki / Website
EURALO ALSes Wiki / Website
LACRALO ALSes Wiki / Website
NARALO ALSes Wiki / Website
7. Setting the Agenda for the F2F Regional Leadership meeting in Barcelona - At-Large Meetings - Saturday, 20 October 2018 at 13:30- 15:00 local time (all 15 minutes)