Date: Tuesday, 09 June 2020
Time: 19:00- 20:00 UTC (For the time in various time zones click here)
Zoom Room: https://icann.zoom.us/j/92825862824?pwd=YjNBZEN5eVRoWVJ1cHp1dDJMdGx0QT09
Adigo Conf. ID: EN: 3535
Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Maureen Hilyard, Abdulkarim Ayopo Oloyede, Dave Kissoondoyal, Hadia Elminiawi, Joanna Kulesza, Jonathan Zuck, Yrjo Lansipuro
Apologies: Olivier Crépin-Leblond,
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Gisella Gruber, Michelle DeSmyter
Call Management: Michelle DeSmyter
Action Items: EN
Recording: EN
Zoom Chat: EN
Transcript: EN
- Roll Call - Staff (2 mins)
- Welcome and Aim of the Meeting - Maureen Hilyard (5min)
- REMINDER to register for ICANN68 - Staff will send out an email today
- Review of Action Items from last call on
- 2 June 2020 - (3min)
- Scheduling At-Large ICANN68 Prep Sessions - Maureen Hilyard / Gisella (2min)
- ICANN Prep Webinars: 8-22 June 2020. Announcement here: https://meetings.icann.org/en/remote68-prep-week
- DNS Abuse: re-run with Jonathan and Drew - in progress
At-Large Plenaries - Dates/Times, Titles, Leads and Description
Monday, 22 June
02:00-03:30 UTC (10:00-11:30 KL)
Monday, 22 June
07:00-08:30 UTC
(15:00-16:30 KL)
Tuesday, 23 June
07:00-08:30 UTC
(15:00-16:30 KL)
Wednesday, 24 June
02:00-3:30 UTC
10:00-11:30 KL)
Thursday, 25 June
00:30-02:00 UTC
(10:30-12:00 KL)
Satish Babu
For a significant section of end-users for whom English is not the first language--both among current users as well as within the next billion users--an aspirational goal is that of a multilingual Internet: an Internet that they can use in their own script, and having content in their own language.
The current initiative by the ICANN community to promote the use of IDNs and Universal Acceptance is closely tied to the growth of the multilingual Internet, as these are mutually reinforcing topics for end-users: the more the multilingual Internet (defined in terms of parameters such as language, writing systems, culture, diversity and gender) develops, the more the demand for IDNs and UA will rise.
Although ICANN's remit is confined to the technical aspects of promotion of UA by filling technical gaps and disseminating technical information, end-user communities may need to go beyond these and look at building a multilingual Internet for the future, which will in turn benefit UA and IDNs. Further, given that IDNs and UA form its foundational infrastructure, these would be high-priority items in the progression towards the multilingual Internet.
The proposed session will examine the current state of end-user participation in the journey towards the multilingual Internet--with special focus on IDNs and UA--and explore the possibilities of leveraging end-users, their organizations and their communities in activities such as outreach, remediation and awareness-building for IDNs and Universal Acceptance.
- - Wednesday 10 June at 13:00 UTC in English only
- UA by Satish - Tuesday 16 June at 14:00 UTC in English only
- Main At-Large Sessions - Maureen Hilyard/All (30min)
Confirming and finalising the At-Large agendas: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/6V7wBQ
Wrap Up to invite Board Chair, VC and other Board members.
- Questions for the Board
- Social Sessions:
- KL Cooking Classes - LaZat Virtual Cooking: https://www.lazatcooking.com/virtual-class.html
- Quiz with Jonathan Zuck
- ISOC Event on Tuesday 23 June at 10:00 UTC - all details TBC
- Next Steps - Maureen Hilyard (5min)
- AoB - Maureen Hilyard (3 minutes)