At-Large Social Media WG
Date: Tuesday, 19 August 2014
Time: 1400 - 1500 UTC (For the time in various timezones click here)
Meeting Number: 0814/1
Interpretation Available: No
How can I participate in this meeting?
Conference ID: EN 1638
Adobe Connect:
Dial outs:
Participants: Yannis Li, Dev Anand Teelucksingh, Anthony Niiganni, Murray McKercher, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Pavan Budhrani, Seun Ojedeji, Bukola Fawole, Leon Sanchez
Apologies: Juan Manuel Rojas
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Ariel Liang, Kathy Schnitt, Terri Agnew
Call Management: Terri Agnew
Action Items: At-Large Social Media WG 19 August 2014 Action Items
Chat: At-Large Social Media WG 19 August 2014 AC Chat
- Welcome and
- how to track and share info about At-large not on ALAC_announce (e.g RALO mailing list discussions, WG discussions, information pertinent to At-Large not necessarily from ICANN, ALS spotlight)
- how to track metrics on Facebook and Twitter
4) Hashtag brand for At-Large (15')
- roll call (2')
- Tweet serie storyboard initiative (20') - anthony.niiganii
- Decision on At-Large hashtag (15')
- Appoint social media liaison/reporter for At-Large working groups (20')
- AOB (3')