- Chair of TG1 to develop a paragraph and expand the notion of 'broader' based on the materials of the TG1;
- Broader audience = underrepresented community members?
- Staff
- Staff to provide the Strategy document before LA.
- ALAC to expand on this recommendation
- Capacity Building WG / Outreach SC to develop a proposal in coordination with the GSE staff and then send the proposal for Board review.
- The proposal can be expanded on the relevant items listed in the appendix of the ATLAS II Declaration.
- The ALAC Chair to informally get in touch with colleagues on other SOs and ACs about this issue
- RALO Chairs: Unlicensed user, Unlicensed user, Unlicensed user, Unlicensed user, Unlicensed user
- Social Media
- Technology Task Force
- RALO Chairs: Unlicensed user, Unlicensed user, Unlicensed user, Unlicensed user, Unlicensed user
- Unlicensed user to email Unlicensed user about the tool for Statement drafting collaboration
- Liaisons
- RALO Chairs: Unlicensed user, Unlicensed user, Unlicensed user, Unlicensed user, Unlicensed user
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