Sub-Group Members: Greg Shatan, Konstantinos Komaitis, Milton Mueller, Nicholas Barbantonis
Apologies: Andrew Sullivan
Staff: Akrum Atalla, Brenda Brewer, Grace Abuhamad, Trang Nguyen, Akrum
Please let Brenda know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**
- The Adobe Connect recording is available here:
- The audio recording is available here:
Link to google doc:
We will be working live from the Google doc today. Please join the collaborative document in "suggestion mode".
For now, no need to raise hands in the AC room to speak: just speak up as needed.
Action (ICANN staff): Provide the DT-IPR with a cost estimate for setting up and running a trust with the three communities as beneficiaries.
Action (ICANN staff): Provide answers regarding what trademarks are currently owned by ICANN and whether ICANN has licensed out any trademarks? If yes, what QC has ICANN conducted on the licensed trademarks? Are these still outstanding questions that the DT-IPR has?
Action (ICANN staff): Doodle for Tuesday or Wednesday DT-IPR call
Action Items
- Action (ICANN staff): Provide the DT-IPR with a cost estimate for setting up and running a trust with the three communities as beneficiaries.
- Action (ICANN staff): Provide answers regarding what trademarks are currently owned by ICANN and whether ICANN has licensed out any trademarks? If yes, what QC has ICANN conducted on the licensed trademarks? Are these still outstanding questions that the DT-IPR has?
- Action (ICANN staff): Doodle for Tuesday or Wednesday DT-IPR call
Link to google doc:
Brenda Brewer: (11/24/2015 14:36) Good day all and welcome to DT-IPR Meeting #3 on 24 November @ 21:00 UTC.
Grace Abuhamad: (14:57) I'll join audio shortly
Grace Abuhamad: (15:01) I'm on
Grace Abuhamad: (15:02) hi!
Nicholas Barbantonis: (15:02) Hello!
Grace Abuhamad: (15:03) Greg -- I can't take live edits on screen, but if you think edits in the Google doc will be more useful than notes, I'm happy to work in Google doc live
Greg Shatan: (15:04) I think we should work in the Google Doc. Here is the link for those who might not have it.
Greg Shatan: (15:05) I've also emailed a PDF copy of the Google Doc, which preserves the comments, but not the names of the commenters.
Akram: (15:16) Greg, would you like us to get you a cost estimate for setting up and running a trust with the three communities as beneficiaries?
Brenda Brewer: (15:18) Please feel free to speak up on today's call. No need to raise hand to speak.
Akram: (15:20) my mic is not working but we will work onn the estimate.
Grace Abuhamad: (15:20) thank you!
Nicholas Barbantonis: (15:21) Akram, it would be handy to get a time estimate as well
Trang Nguyen: (15:26) I need to drop off the AC room. Will rejoin via phone.
Akram: (15:26) Will do
Konstantinos Komaitis: (15:41) am i the only one losing greg?
Brenda Brewer: (15:42) No, Greg's line goes in and out.
Konstantinos Komaitis: (15:42) thanks Brenda
Late guy: (16:06) Nope it's Milton
Late guy: (16:06) Got my time zones mixed up
Late guy: (16:06) I see that Grace
Late guy: (16:07) yeah, let's start over ;-)
Grace Abuhamad: (16:07) Ok great. Sorry for being redundant :)
Late guy: (16:08) you are not redundant
Late guy: (16:09) joke
Late guy: (16:10) Was there any discussion of this "dispute resolution procedure?"
Late guy: (16:13) clicketyclickclickclick
Grace Abuhamad: (16:24) What about the IFO as mediator?
Late guy: (16:24) ???
Late guy: (16:24) usually the dispute will be about IFO
Grace Abuhamad: (16:25) Jon Postel
Late guy: (16:25) Maybe we can raise Jon Postel
Grace Abuhamad: (16:25) <3
Konstantinos Komaitis: (16:25) ;)
Trang Nguyen: (16:26) On previous calls, there were questions raised regarding what trademarks are currently owned by ICANN and whether ICANN has licensed out any trademarks? If yes, what QC has ICANN conducted on the licensed trademarks? Are these still outstanding questions that the DT-IPR has? If yes, I’d be happy to take those back to ICANN staff and provide answers.
Trang Nguyen: (16:27) Sure. Will do.
Konstantinos Komaitis: (16:28) can we have a doodle?
Trang Nguyen: (16:29) We will try to have the answers by next week. By Tuesday is more probable than Monday.
Konstantinos Komaitis: (16:30) i am not available tuesday
Konstantinos Komaitis: (16:30) :(
Konstantinos Komaitis: (16:30) but don't let this stop you
Grace Abuhamad: (16:30) ah, ok we'll doodle Tuesday and Wednesday since CWG will be late Thursday
Grace Abuhamad: (16:30) We may be able to do Wednesday AM
Akram: (16:30) thanks same to you all