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aa. Review ‘cannot live with’ comments received, if anyICANN rationale statement b. Review minor edits received, if anyb. Feedback from EPDP Team cc. Confirm language for inclusion in the addendum to the Initial Report 5. Finalization of Addendum to Initial Report (15 minutes) a. Review any cannot live with items identified b. Feedback from EPDP Team 5 c. Accuracy and Whois ARS (priority 2) (15 minutes) (if guidance is received from GNSO Council prior to the meeting) a. Consider GNSO Council feedback b. Confirm next steps 6Confirm next steps 6. Review of Public Comments on Initial Report (30 minutes) a.High level overview of input received by deadline (Staff Support) b. Proposed approach for review of comments: i. Commence deliberations on items identified in the report as requiring further work/review, considering input received to date, such as:
ii. Staff support team to organize comments by preliminary recommendation, similar to approach in phase 1 (one document with all comments relating to that recommendation, see example and one discussion table, see example). Order of review determined by level of disagreement / change expected to be needed. iii. Every week by Tuesday COB, groups to provide their views on the discussion table for the topics that are to be discussed during Thursday’s plenary. iv. Leadership team & staff support team will consider input received on Wednesday and identify which comments need further consideration and/or proposed changes to the recommendation to address input received. Note, based on input received by 31 March on if/how many additional comments are expected, the approach may need to be revised. Note, it will require the commitment of groups to review input received each week by the deadline – hopefully with only one plenary call a week and no small team meetings, groups will be able to organize accordingly. d. Feedback from EPDP Team e. Confirm next steps 7. Wrap and confirm next EPDP Team meeting (5 minutes): a a. Thursday 19 26 March at 14.00 UTC. Topics to be addressed: Purpose 2 (Consider Board Liaison input), Automation Use CasesMechanism for the evolution of SSAD, reporting requirements. b b. Confirm action items c c. Confirm questions for ICANN Org, if any Small Team to continue (Becky, Amr, Volker, Franck, Marc A., Mark Sv, Stephanie, Chris D., ICANN org) 7. Financial consideration questions (60 minutes) a. Consider feedback from small team on the draft answers b. EPDP Team feedback c. Confirm next steps BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS Meeting Audio Cast (for observers) To join the event, click on the link: Listen in browser: http://stream.icann.org:8000/stream01 Listen in application such as iTunes: http://stream.icann.org:8000/stream01.m3u | ||
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GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar |
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Apologies: Margie Milam(will join for first hour - BC), Chris Lewis-Evans (GAC), James Bladel ((will join for first hour - RrSG) Alternates: Steve DelBianco (will join for second portion - BC), Rahul Gosain (GAC), Sarah Wyld ((will join for second portion - RrSG) |
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Notes/ Action Items Action Items
EPDP Phase 2 - Meeting #48 Proposed Agenda Tuesday, 24 March 2020 at 14.00 UTC
2. Confirmation of agenda (Chair) 3. Welcome and housekeeping issues (Chair) (5 minutes) 4. Purpose 2 (priority 2) (15 minutes) a. Review ICANN rationale statement
b. Feedback from EPDP Team
c. Confirm language for inclusion in the addendum to the Initial Report
5. Finalization of Addendum to Initial Report (15 minutes) a. Review any cannot live with items identified b. Feedback from EPDP Team Legal v. Natural
Preliminary Rec. 22
Preliminary Rec. 23
With respect to minor edits, the Team should be able to flag minor edits they do not agree with. c. Confirm next steps
6. Review of Public Comments on Initial Report (30 minutes) a. High level overview of input received by deadline (Staff Support) b. Proposed approach for review of comments: i. Commence deliberations on items identified in the report as requiring further work/review, considering input received to date, such as:
ii. Staff support team to organize comments by preliminary recommendation, similar to approach in phase 1 (one document with all comments relating to that recommendation, see example and one discussion table, see example). Order of review determined by level of disagreement / change expected to be needed. iii. Every week by Tuesday COB, groups to provide their views on the discussion table for the topics that are to be discussed during Thursday’s plenary. iv. Leadership team & staff support team will consider input received on Wednesday and identify which comments need further consideration and/or proposed changes to the recommendation to address input received. Note, based on input received by 31 March on if/how many additional comments are expected, the approach may need to be revised. Note, it will require the commitment of groups to review input received each week by the deadline – hopefully with only one plenary call a week and no small team meetings, groups will be able to organize accordingly. d. Feedback from EPDP Team e. Confirm next steps 7. Wrap and confirm next EPDP Team meeting (5 minutes): a. Thursday 26 March at 14.00 UTC. Topics to be addressed: Mechanism for the evolution of SSAD, reporting requirements. b. Confirm action items c. Confirm questions for ICANN Org, if any |