- Members and Liaisons: Alan Barrett, Ashley Heineman, Brett Carr, Carlton Samuels, Ching Chiao, Edowaye Makanjoula, Jonathan Robinson, Kim Davies, Lars-Johan Liman, Marilia Hirano, Olga Cavalli, Peter Koch, Raffik Rafik Dammak, Rick Wilhelm, Sami Ali, Steve Conte
- Observers: /
- Apologies: N/A
- ICANN org: Brenda Brewer, Elizabeth Garber (technical writer), Reda Josifi
- Email response [docs.google.com] shared with the IFR2 team on 8 November.Summary of ‘nice to have’ contract review items
- Table summarizing contract items marked as ‘nice to have’ during contract review will be shared with the group during the meeting.
5) Summary of ‘nice to have’ contract review items
- Table summarizing contract items marked as ‘nice to have’ during contract review will be shared
with the group during the meeting.
6. Review and discuss the IFR1 Recommendations report.
6 7. Next Meeting:
- Tuesday, 26 November at 11:00 UTC
78. AOB, close