No Action Items
- ROP Co-chairs Isaac Maposa and Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong will share the draft in the google doc with AFRALO members requesting comments by 15 October.
- The Co-chairs will send the final document by Oct 20th to AFRALO Leadership to coordinate the voting process of the document with staff.
- Abdeldjalil Bachar Bongto send the draft AFRALO-AFRICANN document to AFRALO's mailing list requesting comments or edits by Friday Oct 8.
- seun.ojedejiand AFRALO leadership to recommend positively the application # 322 to the ALAC to be accepted as AFRALO member.
- Chokri to send his question on the Transfer Policy PDP on the Afri-discuss mailing list. Raymond and Daniel to respond.