Monday, 13 June 2022
- All RALO chairs will continue to have regular coordination meetings.
- satish.babu will call 2 meetings before ICANN 75 KL.
- The topic of the Mobilization WP implementation should be put on Agenda for the next Regional Leadership meeting and discussed among all RALOs
- Next Regional Leadership Chair satish.babu to start work on the implementation of the WS2, Continuous improvement program, and the implementation of the recommendations of the At-Large review.
- All RALOs who are working on the review of their respective Rules of procedure should share their work with others so all RALO rules are in synchronization.
- On the topic of RALO Coordination, Satish mentioned that the topic of outreach and engagement is important, and the next ICANN 75 meeting is a good opportunity to look at O/E jointly.
The Addendum to SAC114 is available here:
- Heidi Ullrich / Claudia Ruiz to invite SSAC to the next CPWG meeting to have a deep dive on SAC114 and SAC120 that were discussed at the joint ALAC/SSAC meeting at ICANN74.
Lucien Castex , Representative for Public Affairs, Afnic - Provided a summary of the French priorities related to the Internet and DNS of the EU Presidency
Chris Buckridge , Advisor to the RIPE NCC Managing Director on issues of Global Strategic Engagement - Commented on the RIPE NCC view's of the EU's NIS2 and DNS4EU.
Wednesday, 15 June 2022
Joint Meeting: ALAC and GAC
Topic 3 - Geopolitical Issues and advancing the MS model
- ALAC Speaker: Marita Moll - Discussed civil society in At-Large. Discussed incentives, the need for indicators, and how to attract and train new members. Highlighted the ALAC questions to the Board at ICANN73 on how to engage/retain volunteers. Noted that the ALAC hopes that the GAC will join/support the ALAC in their activities on how to manage community volunteers.
- GAC Speaker: Jorge Cancio, GAC representative of the Switzerland - Provided an update on IGO activities, including a tech envoy of the UN Secretary General. This new office aims to create synergies in the work of the different agencies of the UN on the larger digital field of activities. Also noted the Internet Governance Plus - an aim to make the IGF more inclusive. Also, in the 2025 there will be a big review of the founding Internet governance agreements in 2003 and 2005 will be reviewed this September.
- Susan Chalmers, US Rep - Noted that the US has joined the EU and 60 other countries to advance a positive vision for the vision of the Internet.