At-Large Leadership Session: Welcome to ICANN74
The session included a welcome by ICANN Board Chairman Maarten Botterman and Board Vice Chair Leon Sanchez. An overview of all the At-Large sessions was provided. Jonathan Zuck provided an introduction on the At-Large ICANN74 Talking Points which focused on SubPro and DNS abuse.
At-Large Regional Leaders Meeting
At-Large Policy Session 1: Evolving the DNS Abuse Conversation: An end user's perspective - The Role of At- Large
Leon Sanchez (Board Vice Chair) - Noted that there are some definitional issues. The accepted definition must come from the community. The Board should be facilitating the discussion to create the conditions for the community to discuss. There should be various discussions and then a way to combine a more robust community effort to agree to advance or settle the discussion. Leon noted that the Board has also discussed the issue of a common understanding of DNS abuse during the recent Board Workshop. Org efforts including technical to the practical.
Joanna Kulesza (ALAC Member, EURALO) - Joanna summarized At-Large activities on DNS abuse. This session is a key area of interest to At-Large so there has been capacity building, persuasive promotion and external networking. Related to capacity building, several webinars have been held on DNS abuse. Related to persuasive promotion, there was an ABR that focused on DNS Abuse. Related to external networking - At-Large has worked with outside entities on this topic.
Seun Ojedeji (AFRALO Chair) - AFRALO wishes to provide feedback into At-Large work on DNS abuse. AFRALO also is working on outreach and engagement, including DNS abuse.
Graeme Bunton (DNS Institute) - Suggest that At-Large concentrate on the areas of agreement. Find opportunity to move forward where there is agreement and set aside those areas on the edges.
Satish Babu (APRALO Chair) - APRALO does not have an definition, but the way to defining is a journey. Awareness raising is fundamental. Advocacy is also important. Technology (that can predict DNS abuse) is useful. Finally, inter-RALO work is necessary.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond (EURALO) - Highlighted the work of the CPWG in drafting statements on DNS abuse. Noted IS Trust - open source.
Augusto Ho (LACRALO Chair) - I would like to discuss the needs of end users - not just LACRALO. In Panama, there was a bill being passed on entrepreneurships. I've been receiving feedback from students and others. We know that the new entrepreneurs are the recipients of DNS abuse. Making use of the ideas of entrepreneurs to combat DNS abuse. So training would be useful.
Graeme Bunton (DNS Institute) - Set out challenges of end users to report DNS abuse. Noted that registrars and registries spending large amounts of funding to try to mitigate DNS Abuse without much impact. Net Beacon is an open source means of reporting DNS Abuse. It standardizes the reporting,
Joint Meeting: ALAC and SSAC
SAC121 Routing Security - will be published today.
SAC120 - Input to GNSO IDN EPDP on IDN Variants
SAC114 - SSAC Comments on the GNSO New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Draft Final Report on 11 Feb 2021.
The Addendum to SAC114 is available here:
At-Large EURALO Policy Session: Shaping the EU's Digital Future: Sovereignty, Legal and Regulatory Frameworks
Pari Esfandiari - Introduced the session speakers.
Elena Plexida , VP, Government and IGO Engagement, ICANN Org - Provided an overview of ICANN Org's views on the EU's NIS2 and DNS4EU
Polina Malaja , Policy Director, Centr - Presented further details on the EU's NIS2 and DNS4EU
Lucien Castex , Representative for Public Affairs, Afnic - Provided a summary of the French priorities related to the Internet and DNS of the EU Presidency
Chris Buckridge , Advisor to the RIPE NCC Managing Director on issues of Global Strategic Engagement - Commented on the RIPE NCC view's of the EU's NIS2 and DNS4EU.
Joint Meeting: ALAC and GAC
Topic 1 - Universal Acceptance and IDNs :
- ALAC Speaker: Satish Babu, At-Large UAWG Liaison - Provided overview of At-Large activities in UA and IDNs. Highlighted an End User Survey on UA/IDNs in India in the Hindi language.
- GAC Speaker: Nigel Hickson, GAC Representative of the UK- Provided an update the group on current EPDP on IDNs
The Netherlands representative to the GAC asked for a paper that sets out the gov't requirements for UA
Topic 2 - GAC-ALAC/At-Large Cooperation at National Level : further good practices from each committees to discuss
- ALAC Speaker: Johan "Julf" Helsingius, Chair of ISOC Finland - Provided explanation of how the multi-stakeholder mechanisms work on grassroots level in Finland using a case study of ISOC Finland
- GAC Speaker: Shi Young Chang, GAC representative of the RoK and Juuso Monsander, GAC representative of the Finland (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) - Shi Young Chang provided an overview of the South Korea policy making development process as well as how the MSM works in South Korea.
Topic 3 - Geopolitical Issues and advancing the MS model
- ALAC Speaker: Marita Moll - Discussed civil society in At-Large. Discussed incentives, the need for indicators, and how to attract and train new members. Highlighted the ALAC questions to the Board at ICANN73 on how to engage/retain volunteers. Noted that the ALAC hopes that the GAC will join/support the ALAC in their activities on how to manage community volunteers.
- GAC Speaker: Jorge Cancio, GAC representative of the Switzerland - Provided an update on IGO activities, including a tech envoy of the UN Secretary General. This new office aims to create synergies in the work of the different agencies of the UN on the larger digital field of activities. Also noted the Internet Governance Plus - an aim to make the IGF more inclusive. Also, in the 2025 there will be a big review of the founding Internet governance agreements in 2003 and 2005 will be reviewed this September.
At-Large Policy Session 2: Closed Generics: Finding a Balance
Jonathan Zuck provided an introduction to closed generics - it is a generic term run by one vendor whose business is relevant to that particular string.
Greg Shatan introduced a 2020 paper on closed generics.
A suggestion was made that the ALAC should focus on the questions that the Board asked the GNSO and GAC.
Joint AFRALO-AfrICANN Meeting
Topic: The role of the AFRALO community in mitigating DNS Abuse
The AFRALO/AfrICANN statement on The role of the AFRALO community in mitigating DNS Abuse was discussed and agreed.
EURALO Policy Session: "Internet Governance and Multistakeholderism in terms/time of Emergency"
Guest Speaker: Oksana Prykhodko (European Media Platform) presented the situation in Ukraine given the action by Russia.
Regional experience in time of emergency throughout the regions were presented.
At-Large Leadership Wrap up
Session leads provided an overview of their sessions.
Maarten Botterman provided the highlights of the Board during ICANN74 and initial plans for ICANN75.
Goran Marby - Noted that the community has done very well with the masks and lanyards. Also, there have been 105 meetings with over 800 on site participants from 101 countries. Noted that org will call activities by what they do - including Auction Proceeds will be known as Grant giving. Suggested tools for teachers.