2. Roll Call - Staff (2 min)
3. Review of Action Items from 20 March 2013 Meeting - Olivier (5 min)
4. Results of Fast-Track At-Large FY14 Budget Requests - Olivier (10 min)
See: FY14 Special Budget Request (SO/AC/SG) (Includes decision on Fast-Track AC/SO FY14 Budget Requests (Managed by ICANN Finance Department)
See: At-Large FY14 Special Request Work Space (Managed by the ICANN Finance Department)
5. Review of Additional At-Large FY14 Budget Requests (Olivier) (30 min)
See: At-Large FY14 Budget Development Workspace
a. APRALO: Workshop at AprIGF 2013 (Seoul, Korea) - 4-6 September 2013