These high-level notes are designed to help PDP WG members navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. The MP3, transcript, and chat are provided separately and are posted on the wiki at: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/4gqbAwFwUNBg
Notes and Action Items
1) Roll call/SOI updates
- Refer to Draft Use Case List and Template: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/JA6bAw8gCGBg
- Chuck Gomes shared an answer to "Why discuss RDS use cases" (to be distributed with notes)
- The intent is to help prepare for deliberation - not begin deliberation.
- Drafting a use case for WG discussion does not imply that any described users or purposes should be permissible or that all ref'd data should be accessible or stored in the RDS
- Goal is not to establish complete set of all possible use cases but rather to get a sampling that help the WG examine issues raised & think through those issues during deliberation on PRs
- For example, see "Obtain domain name holder details for legal actions" use case submitted by Karnika Seth (see table at link above or meeting materials below)
- Describes scenario involving a number of different crimes, where a party tries to seek information about the registrar of the domain, the registrant of the domain (refer to use case) - in many cases you need to know who the registrar is (as party in action) as well as registrant
- Question - is the use case granular enough? Should it be separate use cases for different kinds of criminal activity? For example, to identify the actors involved (if they differ) or different data involved...
- The use case brings out a number of important questions that must be considered when attempting to recommend RDS requirement
- Noted that use cases involving criminal activity may not be the same in every jurisdiction since laws vary - but the scenarios may be common (for example, RPM - there is another PDP on that)
- Desire not to reinvent the wheel - EWG use cases are available for use by volunteers in drafting representative use cases for discussion by this PDP WG
- Suggestion from Rod Rasmussen in chat: "There are a ton of "different" types of use cases there that haven't been the main focus of the discussions of this PDP WG contained in the EWG work. For example, digital CERTs, domain portfolio management for large domain holders, anti-spoofing of registrants, prevention of assigning domains to nameservers without permission - all kinds of terrific use cases that are both current and potential that would make registering, using, and managing domains far better."
Meeting Materials:
- PR List Sign Up Sheet: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/shOOAwEgCGBg
- Draft Use Case List and Template: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/JA6bAw8gCGBg
- RDSPDPWGExampleUseCases-260716-v2.pdf (as of 26 July after call)
- Why discuss RDS Use Cases (presented during call, applied to above wiki page)
- Perrin Comments on Triage Draft v6.docx (UPDATED, discussed during call)
- 06 Obtain domain name holder details for legal action.docx
- Additional use cases submitted 25 July: