00:22:07 Herb Waye Ombuds: Greetings everyone…
00:22:14 Jonathan Zuck: Here but cannot speak. You’re welcome!
00:23:11 Michelle DeSmyter: Thank you Jonathan, this is noted.
00:25:46 Abdulkarim Oloyede: Hi
00:26:08 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: As an FYI re timing for Minority Statement(s) to go into the SubPro Final Report to the GNSO Council, (which is intended to be on the Councils Agenda for their Jan 2021 Meeting) Any such statements will be requested to be lodged by January 6
00:27:23 Justine Chew: @Cheryl, good to know, thanks.
00:27:56 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Your hearing it first here @Justine ;-)
00:30:13 Michelle DeSmyter: To follow along with the RTT: https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN [streamtext.net]
00:31:36 Jonathan Zuck: The ALAC had made appointments to the WT
00:32:24 Jonathan Zuck: The members of the AASC agreed to send Carlos Raul Gutierrez and Yrjo Lansipuro as Members to the IGO Work Track on behalf of the ALAC.
00:32:57 Jonathan Zuck: The members of the AASC agreed to send Justine Chew and Vanda Scartezini as Alternates to the IGO Work Track on behalf of the ALAC.
00:33:28 Nadira AL-ARAJ: Would be good to have someone to keep the ALAC updated.
00:33:37 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: seems like it is a dine deal then
00:33:52 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: done deal :-)
00:33:55 Jonathan Zuck: Still GREAT to have the overview, though!
00:35:01 Vanda Scartezini: sorry to enter late.
00:35:11 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Can I also let you know that the GNSO Council is appointing Chris Disspain to Chair this IGO WT
00:35:13 Nadira AL-ARAJ: It is ALAC decision not this group
00:35:32 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: It is indeed an ALAC decision,
00:36:16 Jonathan Zuck: So please change my language to “recommends to the ALAC” Thanks
00:37:22 Michelle DeSmyter: To follow along with the RTT: https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN [streamtext.net]
00:37:49 Vanda Scartezini: @cheryl great to have Chairs on IGO
00:37:51 Nadira AL-ARAJ: @Greg, you still can be on this group
00:40:50 Greg Shatan: who.ninja isn’t real?
00:41:21 Vanda Scartezini: yes on how we can do this ALAN
00:42:27 Jonathan Zuck: I do NOT agree with that either! Without a clear, and frankly unique, individual user interest, we should always pause.
00:42:27 Roberto: +1 Alan
00:43:24 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: The ALAC works under those rules @Alan and It would be good practice for WG's and Work Teams in general to do so as well IMO
00:46:47 Jonathan Zuck: You’re so demanding, Justine! I was looking forward to telling everyone about my breakfast!
00:50:55 Evin Erdogdu: ALAC Advice to the ICANN Board on Subsequent Procedures and ALAC Statement for SubPro PDP Final Report: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/J4EmCQLYseBg
00:50:58 Jonathan Zuck: Waiting on ME!
00:51:32 Evin Erdogdu: Google Doc for comment: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-79Ih9SkfTDBPT4MkIxJwawFdK3gyXC-pqd4yzxpK1w/edit?usp=sharing
00:51:46 Harold Arcos: thanks @Evin
00:55:13 Jonathan Zuck: I guess we decide later to submit names to it
00:55:19 Marita Moll: Yes, looks good Justine
00:55:40 Greg Shatan: Support Justine”s proposed statement
00:57:18 Jonathan Zuck: Awesome it was accepted!
00:57:27 Marita Moll: You have to celebrate it when we got what we asked for!
00:58:21 Natalia Filina: hello all, sorry, I`m late
00:59:31 Michelle DeSmyter: Hello and welcome Natalia!
00:59:49 Natalia Filina: thanks Michelle!
01:00:17 Michelle DeSmyter: To follow along with the RTT: https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN [streamtext.net]
01:08:46 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: it is clear your perfectly coherent
01:11:15 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: The statement re not an issue for several years is *specific* to IDNs at the **second** level
01:12:20 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: so Not a Top Level issue
01:13:36 Olivier Crépin-Leblond (UK England Chapter): Thanks @Marita & Justine - all the comments and questions I had were answered in your exchange just now
01:14:09 Vanda Scartezini: Justine our group here in the country had some UA work with ICANN but could not see any issue that may be of interest
01:14:32 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Yes Greg ad allthat is *very much* the business and ongoing efforts of the UASG
01:14:32 Jonathan Zuck: Definitely Greg. Just recently got the non-IDN survey results to 80% which is a big improvement.
01:15:38 Holly Raiche: @ JZ - what reached 80% - i.e., what is the big improvement
01:16:37 Jonathan Zuck: Just a few years ago, 80% of websites and email programs didn’t accept the new gTLDs (roman) but now 80% do (given some margin of error). IDNs still a HUGE problem, however.
01:16:41 Holly Raiche: Happy with hat
01:16:51 Marita Moll: Yes, I think it is good to go
01:16:57 Holly Raiche: @ JZ - thank - and yes, good news
01:17:57 Roberto: And even in the IDN, there are huge differences in acceptance on some scripts vs others
01:21:36 Nadira AL-ARAJ: When the NCAP final report will be ready
01:22:57 Nadira AL-ARAJ: that what I understood Oliver
01:23:18 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: it is not practical as a dependency
01:23:37 Nadira AL-ARAJ: It sounded to me as dependency
01:24:53 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: It does not diminish the importance of the NCAP work
01:25:01 Nadira AL-ARAJ: Sounds good @Justine
01:25:09 Holly Raiche: What is anticipated if the outcomes of NCAP suggest action is urgently needed?
01:26:10 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Stability checking (including collision testing) is aso **PART** of the Application processes
01:26:18 Jonathan Zuck: We just say that NCAP is a prerequisite for a new round
01:26:49 Holly Raiche: @ JZ - at the very least.
01:27:44 Holly Raiche: And if name collisions become a serious problem before NCAP is completed, what then?
01:28:15 Jonathan Zuck: Well, hopefully NCAP will make recommendations separate to a new round.
01:28:51 Holly Raiche: Agree JZ
01:29:31 Jonathan Zuck: Especially since there is NO RUSH for a new round
01:30:03 Jonathan Zuck: Couple years, most likely 2023
01:31:01 Jonathan Zuck: Exactly
01:32:12 Holly Raiche: Agree with Justine - we say that we take into account NCAP advice whenever it is available.
01:32:47 Marita Moll: I agree @ Justine -- adding this to the advice would be good to underline the point
01:33:00 Greg Shatan: Where do i go to volunteer as a crash test dummy for Name Collision testing?
01:33:40 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: :-) Greg
01:34:28 Jonathan Zuck: We’re good!
01:34:29 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Nor do I @Alaq
01:38:59 Holly Raiche: How do we define struggling regions?
01:39:24 Jonathan Zuck: I wish the WG had established objectives and only left means to the IRT.
01:39:42 Holly Raiche: Agree with JZ
01:40:59 Nadira AL-ARAJ: Here ALAC advice comes into place
01:43:29 Jonathan Zuck: Sounds good
01:49:00 Holly Raiche: Back to the definitions of community and membership - again
01:50:13 Nadira AL-ARAJ: @Holly, do you mean the definition of community is not agreed on it yet?
01:51:05 Herb Waye Ombuds: Gotta leave… take care everyone, stay healthy and safe and be kind
01:51:38 Yrjo Lansipuro: +1 Marita
01:51:40 Holly Raiche: @ Nadira - yes, in part. What are the criteria and one related issue is membership - what Justine talked about.
01:52:10 Holly Raiche: + 1 Marita
01:52:43 Nadira AL-ARAJ: Thanks @Holly
01:53:17 Justine Chew: 6 Jan
01:53:25 christopher wilkinson: @Marita on CPE. +1. There is more to be said, but not at 21.30 CET
01:54:05 Vanda Scartezini: thanks for the alert ALAN
01:54:09 Marita Moll: Maybe this year @Alan, we are all going to be looking for things to do over the holidays -- as we are not allowed to socialize
01:55:17 Alan Greenberg: Sure Marita, but we need buyin that I am worried about.
01:55:29 Michel TCHONANG LINZE CAPDA CAMEROUN: Great job
01:55:32 Vanda Scartezini: thank you Justine. nothing better than your presentation..
01:55:37 Nadira AL-ARAJ: Thank you Justine for your excellent updates
01:55:45 Marita Moll: Agreed -- just a comment on the times @Alan
01:56:05 Vanda Scartezini: i am sorry I need to leave the call due to another commitment. thank you all
01:56:47 Vanda Scartezini: relate IGO will be great to work with Yrjo, Raul, and Justine !! thank to all again
01:57:12 Evin Erdogdu: See: ICANN Correspondence - https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/correspondence
01:57:15 Hanan Khatib: thank you all
01:57:17 Sivan: Will alac do any follow up with Mozilla or collaborate in any way?
01:57:50 Evin Erdogdu: @Sivan, please see letter from ALAC Chair to ICANN OCTO on ICANN Correspondence - https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/correspondence
01:59:35 Sivan: Just read that. Thanks. Understand that the alac communication asks ICANN to respond.
01:59:45 Sivan: Thank you @Evin
01:59:55 Michelle DeSmyter: Next meeting: Wednesday, 16 December at 13:00 UTC
02:00:04 Michelle DeSmyter: With interpretation as well
02:00:15 Evin Erdogdu: Welcome Sivan
02:00:18 Michel TCHONANG LINZE CAPDA CAMEROUN: Thank you all bye bye
02:00:36 Justine Chew: I will be there!
02:00:43 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: Thanks and bye
02:00:43 Dave Kissoondoyal: Thanks and bye to all
02:00:44 Natalia Filina: thank you all!
02:00:45 alberto soto: Thanks, bye!!!
02:00:55 Heidi Ullrich: Thanks, All.
02:01:02 Roberto: Bye all
02:01:10 Evin Erdogdu: Thank you all!!
02:01:13 Nadira AL-ARAJ: Thanks to the star of this meeting
02:01:17 Judith Hellerstein: bye
02:01:17 Harold Arcos: thanks to our interpreters!!!
02:01:19 Sivan: Thank you
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