Andrea Glandon: (1/23/2019 12:35) Welcome to the At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG) Call held on Wednesday, 23 January 2019 at 19:30 UTC.
Andrea Glandon: (12:35) Wiki Agenda Page: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/EpUWBghgvwBQ
Evin Erdoğdu: (13:18) Hello all, welcome.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (13:25) Morning @Holly reasy for another bright sunny day
Christopher Wilkinson: (13:25) Good evening - CW
Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): (13:26) The phone was disconnected
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (13:26) Ho CW
Holly Raiche: (13:26) I'm here - for an hour - then have to go
Andrea Glandon: (13:26) @Hadia, they are calling back now
Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): (13:26) could we test again
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (13:27) the sound is not as good on that second phine at all for @Hadia
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (13:28) ergh typos sorry
Holly Raiche: (13:30) Hadia is fading in and out - now definately out
Andrea Glandon: (13:33) @Joanna, I see you are on the agenda to speak. Can we please call out to you on the audio bridge?
Joanna Kulesza: (13:33) Yes please Andrea, sharing my number in priv
Andrea Glandon: (13:33) thank you!
Holly Raiche: (13:34) @ Johanna. I have to leave in an hour so may miss your talk on policy. In case I do, how can I help in the policy session?
Andrea Glandon: (13:34) @Marita, I see that you will be speaking today. Can we please call out to you on the audio bridge?
Alan Greenberg: (13:35) I am delayed for a few more minutes
Evin Erdoğdu: (13:36) Web Page of EPDP:
Evin Erdoğdu: (13:36) EPDP on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/EOTSFGRD
Holly Raiche: (13:36) We all thank both Hadia and Alan
Maureen Hilyard: (13:36) Yes Well done to Hadia and Alan for what they did at that meeting
Marita Moll: (13:37) Yea, brutal schedule.
Alan Greenberg: (13:43) Sorry, I had a phone call that I cannot ignore. Trust Hadia doing a fine job.
Holly Raiche: (13:43) She is
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (13:46) yes
Beran Gillen: (13:46) hello all sorry am late
Holly Raiche: (13:47) All the recommenations are in the report - OCL sent the link
Alan Greenberg: (13:47) Here now.
Holly Raiche: (13:47) Welcome Alan
John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO): (13:50) Also late...surprise meeting :)
Maureen Hilyard: (13:51) WOW
Holly Raiche: (13:53) What are the big issues that still need discussion - question to both Hadia and Alan
Holly Raiche: (13:54) Under the 2013 version of the RAA, there is at least some responsibility for resellers by the registrars
Nadira Al-Araj: (13:57) Is there any interaction between the ePDP group and the technical working group meeting in DC this week?
Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): (14:00) To inform like notify
Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): (14:01) Consent is not required
Andrea Glandon: (14:01) Barrack has joined the audio bridge.
Holly Raiche: (14:02) Sorry - are there any questions that Alan and Hadia want answered?
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (14:03) thanks @Andrea
Andrea Glandon: (14:03) You're welcome!
John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO): (14:06) +1 Greg
Greg Shatan: (14:08) I have to compliment Alan and Haida for their hard work and eloquent support for these positions.
Greg Shatan: (14:08) Alan, at least we are not alone in that view.....
Holly Raiche: (14:09) I trust that Alan anad Hadia want comments on the final report on the wiki?
Holly Raiche: (14:10) (and in the final report - issues said to be still open for discussion are in blue - is there anything else?
Holly Raiche: (14:11) Thanks Alan
Alan Greenberg: (14:12) @ Nadira, other than one person who is a member of both, no. But it is not clear that it matters. Their work may inform os when we start talking about access, but they are looking purely at implementation from a technical point of view.
Alan Greenberg: (14:13) Holly, all comments welcome.
Holly Raiche: (14:13) Thanks Alan - will do
Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): (14:15) They are looking how to technically implement the policies through RDAP
Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): (14:15) They are looking at how to technically implement the policies through RDAP
Nadira Al-Araj: (14:16) thanks because there are some implication
Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): (14:16) It is a different kind of work
Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): (14:16) you need to comment now if you want
Holly Raiche: (14:16) Thanks Alan
Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): (14:16) it will be finalized in two weeks
Jonathan Zuck: (14:17) And we thank you
Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): (14:18) Thank you all
Nadira Al-Araj: (14:18) Thanks to Hadia and Alan
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (14:19) @Hadia -- so we have to be ready to comment imminently
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (14:20) Hadia and Alan special thanks for all this today, as you know I follow the issue clsely, but find your briefing9s) here very useful indeed...appreciated...
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (14:20) ahh Gremlins
Evin Erdoğdu: (14:21) Initial Report on CSC Effectiveness: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/alacpolicydev/pages/102661383/At-Large+Workspace%3AWorkspace+Initial+Report+on+CSC+Effectiveness
Maureen Hilyard: (14:22) More comments other than my own would be appreciated on the FY20 Budget and 5 year Operating plan https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/alacpolicydev/pages/102661029/At-Large+Workspace%3AWorkspace+ICANN+Draft+FY20+Operating+Plan+and+Budget+and+Five-Year+Operating+Plan+Update
Holly Raiche: (14:23) Folks I have to go now - so apologies and I will read the transcript for this meeting later
Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): (14:23) @Cheryl Thank you
Maureen Hilyard: (14:24) Reconnected on the phone bridge again.. :)
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (14:25) I was certainly awake ;-)
Evin Erdoğdu: (14:25) At-Large Workspace: ICANN Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2021 – 2025:
Alfredo Calderon: (14:26) Me too! Recently, but not a 5-year strategic plan as a whole. My participation has been based on the Finance annual Budget Process.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (14:27) this Document was born out of the flip chart exercise but FandBSC clearly needs to propose comments to the ALAC as it always has in the past, we here in CPWG can focus in the strategic planning part woth more focus perhaos assisting ALAC's PC to be 'more fullsome'
Nadira Al-Araj: (14:27) sure Marita
Alfredo Calderon: (14:28) This links in with the proposed two-year planning process to allocate funds and priority focus.
Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): (14:28) strengthen inclusivity is also very much relevant
Maureen Hilyard: (14:29) +1 Hadia
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (14:30) Can i get these slides to convert it to Ebook
Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): (14:30) @Maureen agree alac's role in governance is indeed crucial
Evan Leibovitch: (14:31) SOs are not expected to make decisions in the public interest, nowhere in ICANN processes commit SOs to that.
Alfredo Calderon: (14:32) +1 Christopher. That is the type of links we need to envision. Probably that is why he need to look at a two-year planning.
Nadira Al-Araj: (14:32) @Glenn are your Ebooks are indexed to be easily accessed?
Evan Leibovitch: (14:32) They exist to represent the interests of their component constituencies
Justine Chew: (14:33) Always good to attach solutions (how) to issues (what) if we can.
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (14:33) Here is the Ebook for this slideshow
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (14:33)
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (14:33) The ebooks are in bookshelves
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (14:33) Here is the links to the bookshelves
Heidi Ullrich: (14:34) @All, in the ABR for FY20, the RALO discretionary Funding is asking for one cross-regional activity.
Nadira Al-Araj: (14:34) Thanks Glenn
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (14:34) ICANN and ATLARGE Webinars
Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): (14:34) Thank you Glenn
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (14:34) General books and literature
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (14:34)
Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): (14:35) @Glenn I bookmarked both
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (14:36) Pool of Ebooks including Diplo, World Bank, ISOC and ICANN 273 books
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (14:36)
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (14:38) Remeber this is an Observation that people identified as an issue in the flip chart exercise... NOT a irrifutible critical contol issue that is an impediment to our success as a model it *is* an issue bit it is not IMO a matter for ockam's razor approach
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (14:39) certainly not only an economic rationalist one
John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO): (14:39) Alan makes a good least we've got a conversation going...which is an improvement
Nathalie Coupet: (14:39) I lost audio
Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): (14:39) +1 John
Nathalie Coupet: (14:39) It's back
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (14:40) GAC has advantage in voice va the bylaws of course
Greg Shatan: (14:41) They also have the advantage of being sovereigns, making laws, having armies, etc.
Maureen Hilyard: (14:41) ICANN has identified in their documentation that the multistakeholder model is a potential risk: ICANN's multistakeholder model of governance which grew to fit ICANN's needs, has the potential of becoming less effective and more expensive as it matures and scales up to respond to increasing needs of our community.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (14:42) indeed @Greg
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (14:43) and @Maureen that IMO is just a consequence of the models 'success; it costs in real terns and in terns of managing the complexity
Christopher Wilkinson: (14:43) @Alan: See comment to the PDP: form Public Interest Community << … policies being proposed which appear designed to support the drafers …>>
Abdulkarim Oloyede: (14:44) I can’t make a comment about inequality as I have my own opinion, but I have listed to their argument especially over the last few months and I know there is a problem and I believe ICANN is not handling things in the proper way. I believe things would get worse in few years if not properly dealt with. This is my opinion.
Maureen Hilyard: (14:44) @Cheryl - The accompanying goals are more positively directed towards supporting the model however...
John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO): (14:45) +1 Evan
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (14:45) Some of us manage but it is not a universal truth of all our volunteers @Even, we (those who are engaged) therefore need always try to "act in the best interests of enf users"
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (14:46) auto correct not typo this time sorry @Evan
Harold Arcos 2: (14:48) @Maureen, is interesting topic that saw ICANN. Like the childs or teenager while they grow up more complex and expensives but worthwhile for its value to humanity when cultivated with good values ,,, we must strengthen ICANN's values to keep it on track.
Evan Leibovitch: (14:48) On what basis do we claim to represent global end users?
Bastiaan Goslings: (14:49) 'There is no more public interest than the public itself' - I ilek that one ;-)
Jonathan Zuck: (14:49) there's a subtle distinction between representing them and attempting to represent their interests. we're never going to do the former
Maureen Hilyard: (14:49) @Harold +1
Nadira Al-Araj: (14:49) Evan would be good issue to be discussed at ATLAS III
Jonathan Zuck: (14:49) we gotta move on. we're not set up for a philosophical discussion today
Greg Shatan: (14:50) Apologies for soapboxing.
Abdulkarim Oloyede: (14:50) I agree with Nadira
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (14:50) this is very interesting
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (14:51) but it's a pity that this is not directly policy related
Greg Shatan: (14:51) It is bigger than policy.
Jonathan Zuck: (14:51) well, we might need a separate conversation on all this but we need efficiency here
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (14:51) +1 Jonathan
Greg Shatan: (14:52) It is existential.
Nadira Al-Araj: (14:52) @Olivier, would be good to alocate at least one session for process in Atlas
Yrjö Länsipuro: (14:52) Alan +1
Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): (14:52) Thank you Marita
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (14:53) Thanks @Marita breat little session
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (14:53) @Nadira - this is quite likely going to be a potential session for ATLAS III - although it is not a new topic and we have discussed this on several occasions in the past. I am pleased that the level of maturity of this discussion is evolving.
Jonathan Zuck: (14:53) just loving teasing
Bastiaan Goslings: (14:54) @Marita: do you need help with drafting? also when it comes to the other topics in the draft strategic plan?
Joanna Kulesza: (14:54) This has been a most informative discussion, thank you all for sharing your views.
Jonathan Zuck: (14:54) we really need to boil the strategic plan down to some questions for this group. that's the next step.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (14:54) I care
Justine Chew: (14:54) Will Greg's presentation be posted on wiki workspace at least?
Jonathan Zuck: (14:54) yes
Andrea Glandon: (14:54) @Justine, yes, I will post it there now
Justine Chew: (14:54) Thank you.
Marita Moll: (14:55) @Bastiaan -- help is always welcome
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (14:55) there IS some stuff we should support and perhaps refine such as continuity with Scope development and the following RT
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (14:55) I did as well not sure shy it is not seen in the posting
Bastiaan Goslings: (14:55) @marita: okido, in that case I 'volunteer'to go through it and share my thoughts explicitly ;-)
Nadira Al-Araj: (14:56) @Olivier, will send you a proposed concept
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (14:56) especially as MSSI reached out to me after I lodged to get a fresh PDF of it ... Ohh well
Jonathan Zuck: (14:56) Thanks @Bastiaan. work with Marita to boil this down to some questions. Thanks.
Bastiaan Goslings: (14:56) Sure thing, Jonathan
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (14:56) @marita perhaps the use of a Balanced Scorecard approach to the Strategic Plan, specific areas impacting us.
Marita Moll: (14:57) @Bastiaan -- looking forward to your ideas
Marita Moll: (14:57) @glenn -- that could be useful. thanks
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (14:57) That continuity point was a changebetween the old and new
Christopher Wilkinson: (14:58) Have to leave the call now; NB Comment on WT5 paper circulated on the List. Advantages of coherence between ALAC and GAC on country names.CW
Justine Chew: (14:59) +1 Alan
Maureen Hilyard: (14:59) Sorry I have to go to an SO/AC meeting..
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (14:59) Yup
Alfredo Calderon: (14:59) @Glenn and @Marita, the five main goals of the Strategic Plan would probably be reviewed as what At-Large believes should be its priorities.
John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO): (14:59) agree with alan...minimum required structure
Greg Shatan: (15:00) Seems like more than Process Creep. It’s Process Overkill.
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (15:00) it feels like the ICANN process trolls have worked overtime again
Greg Shatan: (15:01) Good point, JZ.
Justine Chew: (15:01) So, it sounds like there SHOULD BE a comment then?
Jonathan Zuck: (15:03) I'm not sure there's a need for an at-large comment because there isn't something unique for us to contribute
Greg Shatan: (15:03) Good to hear that Progress (with a long “o”) has been made.
Jonathan Zuck: (15:04) there's a little more back and forth with the board early on but that could end up saving time down the road
Alfredo Calderon: (15:04) PLease accept my apologies. Have to leave. Good discussions. Bye to all.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (15:05) Hell NO Alan do not reference that at all
Jonathan Zuck: (15:06) I made a reference to it because NO MATTER WHAT the circumstances, the board shouldn't have done what it did. If these processes help to prevent such a gaff in the future, I'm a fan.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (15:06) True @Alan :-)
Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): (15:07) I can't hear you
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (15:07) JZ have you started to SCUBA dive as well as speak?
Bastiaan Goslings: (15:07) I need to go, thanks all
Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): (15:08) yes
Greg Shatan: (15:08) Normally, Jonathan can work without a microphone....
Joanna Kulesza: (15:08) :)
Greg Shatan: (15:09) Yes
Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): (15:09) yes we can Joanna
Greg Shatan: (15:10) I suggest CPWG meet for the entirety of ICANN 64.
Jonathan Zuck: (15:10) except when policy discussions are going on around the meeting
Greg Shatan: (15:10) Well, there’s that.
Justine Chew: (15:10) Noting the time already, I'm offering a brief written update for agenda item 7.1 - Consultation on Neustar's Proposal for 3-Phased New gTLD Application Model. Position based on feedback from mailing list and last 2 calls is up on wiki workspace @ https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/alacpolicydev/pages/102661321/At-Large+Workspace%3AWorkspace+Consultation+on+Neustar%27sNeustar+s+Proposal+for+3-Phased+New+gTLD+Application+Model. Some minor updates as at 18 Jan, no further comments since. So I am proposing that we close this for comments on Monday 28 Jan, to allow me to tidy up with CPWG leadership, and then forward the same back to SubPro Sub-Group A at their next meeting.
Evin Erdoğdu: (15:11) Executive Summary Page: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/i5IWBgr3weBg
Evin Erdoğdu: (15:12) At-Large Workspace: Consultation on Neustar's Proposal for 3-Phased New gTLD Application Model: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/alacpolicydev/pages/102661321/At-Large+Workspace%3AWorkspace+Consultation+on+Neustar%27sNeustar+s+Proposal+for+3-Phased+New+gTLD+Application+Model
Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): (15:12) @Justine ?/
Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): (15:14) Thank you Justine
Jonathan Zuck: (15:14) Thanks Justine
Sivasubramanian M: (15:16) Cheryl, do we have an ALAC liaison to GAC and a GAC liaison to ALAC?
Yrjö Länsipuro: (15:16) I am the ALAC liaison to GAC. Ana Neves in the GAC liaison tothe ALAC
Sivasubramanian M: (15:17) Thank you Yrjo
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (15:17) Correct @Barrack these are essential foundations both the FOI work (many years of it) and the base doc RFC1591
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (15:19) An *excellent* example of evolution for delegation via the Significantly Interested Parties system as defined in the FOI work :-) Yeah!!!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (15:21) and an issue that has been greatly clarified post FOI work
Justine Chew: (15:23) @Barrack, thank you very much for making time to join this call and for your explanation on the ccTLD regime.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (15:23) Well presented Barrack Great response
Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): (15:24) @Barrack thank you for this detailed explanation
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (15:24) Perhaps we need an ICANN Learn module on this matter OCL
Nadira Al-Araj: (15:24) thank you Barrack
John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO): (15:24) Yes it helps. Though unfortunately compliance is left to the discretion of the ccTLDs
Evin Erdoğdu: (15:24) Thank you all!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (15:24) Huge amount of work done today... Thanks everyone
John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO): (15:24) Yay
Nadira Al-Araj: (15:24) Thank you all
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (15:25) later in whose time zone???
Barrack Otieno: (15:25) welcome colleagues
Justine Chew: (15:25) @CLO, good question!
Nathalie Coupet: (15:26) @Heidi: Could you add me to the email list, please?
Nadira Al-Araj: (15:26) ;))
Greg Shatan: (15:27) This is in 2 weeks?
Alan Greenberg: (15:27) This is fascinating, but I think I will bid adieu.
Sebastien: (15:27) Lest do the 19UTC
Barrack Otieno: (15:27) For the documents Please refer to Frameworrk for Interpretation working Group Final Report, 2005 GAC Principles and Guidelines, ISO 3166 and RFC 1591 they give a very good background
Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): (15:27) I always now have a small team EPDP meeting at 14:00
Greg Shatan: (15:27) Jonathan, thank you for keeping us regular.
Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): (15:27) on Wedenesdays
Sebastien: (15:27) Like that we come back to the rotation initialy setup
Abdulkarim Oloyede: (15:27) thanks
John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO): (15:27) bye all
Evin Erdoğdu: (15:27) Thanks again!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr(@CLO3): (15:27) Bye for now
Nathalie Coupet: (15:27) Bye
Marita Moll: (15:27) Yeah!! Bye
Barrack Otieno: (15:27) bye colleagues
Gordon Chillcott: (15:27) Thanks and bye for now.
Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): (15:27) bye
Evan Leibovitch: (15:27) Bye
Greg Shatan: (15:27) Bye!
Harold Arcos: (15:28) thanks all bye bye
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