- 1. AI: Silvia Vivanco and sylvia leite: Next Agenda will include the item : Review of RALOs ROP reviews to make them consistent with the new ALAC
- ROPs. Amendment of each RALO's Rules of Procedures to be consistent with the New ALAC ROPs
- . So far only APRALO started this work. Look:https://icann-community.
- . Results are expected for March 2014.
- 2. Regarding the RALO Secretariat Reception with Fadi Chehadé. AI: To all RALOs: To think about ideas to share with Fadi to make this meeting more productive (Ideas: Introduce new incoming RALO Leaders, to talk about the SUMMIT- Tijani stressed the need to make the meeting fruitful). Once the meeting is confirmed Silvia Vivanco will send a reminder to all RALO leaders.
- 3.Discussion on the use of the Cross-RALO Policy Development Activities and Processes Workspace.
- Silvia Vivancoto send a REMINDER to all the RALOs to start posting their policy issues to use the WIKI page to consolidate all RALOs Policy issues.
- All RALOs agreed to ask for inputs and based on the response determine if there is a need for a teleconference on Policy issues.
- 4. Silvia Vivanco to send a reminder to all RALOs to prepare the Agenda for the Joint ATLAS II and Regional Secretariat
- meeting and capacity building WG iin Buenos Aires and to coordinate the Agenda with OCL.
- 5.
- Julia Charvolen to send a doodle for the next call in October.
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- . Dev Anand Teelucksingh, garth.bruen, wolf.ludwig, Glenn McKnight, aziz.hilali, holly.raiche to continue working on the ALS applicataion form so as to ensure that is accessible and easier to use
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