- Members : and Liaisons: Alan Barrett, Ashley Heineman, Brett Carr, Carlton Samuels, Ching Chiao, Edowaye Makanjoula, Jonathan Robinson, Kim Davies, Lars-Johan Liman, Marilia Hirano, Olga Cavalli, Peter Koch, Rafik Dammak, Rick Wilhelm, Sami Ali, Steve Conte
- Observers: /
- Apologies: N/A
- ICANN org: Brenda Brewer, Elizabeth Garber (technical writer), Reda Josifi
- Welcome, Roll Call, SOI updates
- Action Items (all action items tracked in the Google sheet linked here [])
- Email response [] shared with the IFR2 team on 8 November.Summary of ‘nice to have’ contract review items
- Table summarizing contract items marked as ‘nice to have’ during contract review will be shared with the group during the meeting.
5) Summary of ‘nice to have’ contract review items
- Table summarizing contract items marked as ‘nice to have’ during contract review will be shared
with the group during the meeting.
6. Review and discuss the IFR1 Recommendations report.
67. Next Meeting:
- Tuesday, 26 November at 11:00 UTC
78. AOB, close