2.1 – Review focus areas and provide updates on specific key themes / topics, to include review of Projects List and Action List
Item 3: Consent agenda (10 minutes)
3.2 – Approve transmission of Recommendations Report to ICANN Board following public comments on the Council’s recommendation that the Board adopt the Final Report from the Translation & Transliteration of gTLD Data Working Group
At its July 2015 meeting, the GNSO Council approved the staff request for an extension of the deadline for publication of the Preliminary Issue Report on New gTLDs Subsequent Procedures. At its 3 September 2015 meeting, the Council discussed the possibility of an extended public comment period and here the Council will vote on a motion to make a formal council request to extend the public comment period.
4.1 – Present the motion (David Cake)
4.2 – Council discussion
In the course of discussions over the IANA stewardship transition, the community had raised concerns about ICANN's accountability, given ICANN’s historical contractual relationship with the United States government. The community discussions indicated that existing ICANN accountability mechanisms do not yet meet some stakeholders’ expectations. Considering that the US Government (through the NTIA) has stressed that it expects community consensus on the transition, this gap between the current situation and stakeholder expectations needed to be addressed. This resulted in the creation of a Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability (CCWG-Accountability) of which the GNSO is a chartering organization.
On 3 August, the CCWG-Accountability published its Second Draft Proposal for public comment. This second proposal included significant changes made by the CCWG to its initial proposal, focusing on outstanding issues, further details on Work Stream 1 and revisions arising from feedback received in the first public comment consultation period. The public comment period closed on 12 September. Here the Council will receive an update on the work of the CCWG, in view of the public comments received, and discuss any specific issues that need to be addressed in view of the timeline of the CCWG and the connection between its work and the IANA stewardship transition.
8.1 – Update (Mathieu Weill TBCLeon Felipe Sanchez Ambia)
8.2 – Council discussion