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Item 1: Administrative matters (5 mins)


Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting of 11 February, 19 March and 16 April 2015 will be posted as approved on xxxx 2015. 

Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List (10 mins)


2.1 - Review focus areas and provide updates on specific key themes / topics, to include review of Projects List and Action List.
2.2 - Comments or questions arising.


Item 3: Consent agenda (0 mins)


Item 4: DISCUSSION  – Cross Community Working Group to develop a transition proposal for IANA stewardship on naming related functions (15 mins)

The Cross Community Working Group to develop a transition proposal for IANA stewardship on naming related functions (CWG-Stewardship) was chartered to develop a proposal on Naming Related Functions for the IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal. A draft proposal was published for community comment on 1 December 2014, following which a revised timeline and update was provided for discussion at ICANN52 in Singapore. The CWG-Stewardship has published its updated proposal for public comment (ending on 20 May), with the goal of finalizing the proposal for submission to its chartering SO/ACs ahead of the ICANN53 Meeting to be held in Buenos Aires and subsequent submission to the IANA Stewardship Coordination Group (ICG).


4.1 – Status summary (Jonathan Robinson)
4.2 – Discussion
4.3 – Next steps


Item 5: DISCUSSION - Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability – CCWG Accountability (15 mins)


The CCWG-Accountability developed two work streams, of which Work Stream 1 is intended to align with the timing of the CWG-Transition work and the overall NTIA objectives and timeline. Initial proposals for Work Stream 1 were published for public comment on 4 May 2015 (closing on 3 June). As the GNSO is a chartering organization of the CCWG-Accountability, having adopted the charter in November 2014, this is an opportunity for the Council to review and discuss the CCWG’s work and to discuss what, if any, issues will need to be addressed by the GNSO or Council at this critical stage.


5.1 - Status summary (Thomas Rickert)

5.2 - Discussion

5.3 - Next steps

Item 6: UPDATE FOR COUNCIL DECISION – Cross Community Working Group on Internet Governance (10 mins)

The charter for this CWG was ratified between September 2014 and April 2015 by the ALAC, ccNSO and GNSO, having previously been an informal effort organized by the ALAC and the GNSO’s Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group. The GNSO Council does not currently have a Council liaison to the CWG. Separately, the CWG has submitted a recent request to its Chartering Organizations to confirm interpretation of the chartered role of observers/participants in its work. Here the Council will receive an update on the CWG’s progress, discuss both the liaison issue, and consider a non-objection to the CWG’s proposed interpretation of the Charter. 

6.1 – Status summary (Olivier Crépin-Leblond & Rafik Dammak)


6.4 – General discussion and next steps



Item 7: UPDATE  – Progress of FOR COUNCIL GUIDANCE – Cross-Community Working Group on Use of Country & Territory Names as TLDs (10 mins)


This CWG was jointly chartered by the ccNSO and GNSO Councils in June 2014 to review the current status of representations of country and territory names under current ICANN policies, guidelines and procedures, and to provide advice regarding the feasibility of developing a consistent and uniform definitional framework that could be applicable across the respective SO/ACs. Here the Council will receive an update from the CWG co-chairs, and discuss the appointment of a new Council liaison to the CWG.


7.1 - Status summary (Heather Forrest & Carlos Raul Gutierrez)

7.2 - Discussion

7.3 - Next steps



Item 8: UPDATE – Progress of FOR COUNCIL GUIDANCE– IGO-INGO Access to Curative Rights Mechanisms PDP Working Group (10 mins) 

This GNSO PDP Working Group was chartered to explore whether or not amendments to existing curative rights dispute resolution processes or the development of a new and specific procedure would be necessary to address the needs of International Governmental Organizations (IGOs) and International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs). Through the GAC-GNSO liaison, it has sought to engage with the GAC and has also exchanged correspondence with a small representative group of IGOs. Here the Council will receive an update on the status of the GAC and IGO engagements, and discuss appropriate next steps for the WG. 

8.1 - Status summary (Phil Corwin / Petter Rindforth / Mason Cole)

8.2 - Discussion

8.3 - Next steps



Item 9: UPDATE – Progress of FOR SEBSEQUENT COUNCIL ACTION –  New gTLDs Subsequent Rounds Discussion Group (10 mins) 

This Discussion Group was created by the GNSO Council in June 2014 to discuss experiences gained during the current expansion round of new gTLDs, and identify possible subjects for future Issue Reports that might result in changes to application procedures. Here the Council will receive an update on the status of the DG’s work, with a view toward possible Council action on its recommendations in Buenos Aires.


9.1 – Status summary (Bret Fausett / Jeff Neuman / Liz Williams)

9.2 – Discussion

9.3 – Next steps




Item 10: UPDATE and DISCUSSION – GNSO Drafting Team on New ICANN Meeting Strategy (10 mins)

Following initial Council discussions on planning GNSO-related meetings at ICANN Public Meetings after implementation of the new ICANN meeting strategy, a Drafting Team comprised of several Council members was created to develop an initial proposal for Council consideration. Here the Council will receive an update on the status of the project, and consider next steps.


10.1 – Update (Volker Greimann / Marika Konings)

10.2 – Discussion

10.3 – Next steps



Item 11: UPDATE – Progress on GNSO Review (10 minutes)


The Independent Examiner appointed by the Board’s Structural Improvements Committee to conduct the GNSO Review has shared its draft Initial Report with the GNSO’s Working Party on this topic. The current intention is to publish the Initial Report for public comment following feedback from the Working Party, prior to the Buenos Aires meeting. Here the Council will receive an update on the Initial Report and proposed timelines for completing the Review. 

11.1 – Update (Jennifer Wolfe)

11.2 – Discussion

11.3 – Next steps



Item 12: Any Other Business (5 mins)
