Meeting Number: AL.EU/CC.0217/2
How can I participate in this meeting? English Conference ID = 3535
Adobe room: https://participate.icann.org/euralo/
Dial-out Participants: Wolf Ludwig, Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Wolf Ludwig, Oksana Prykhodko, Andrei Kolesnikov, Florian Hule, Wale Bakare, Sebastien Bachollet
Apologies: None
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco Silvia Vivanco, Mario Aleman, Yeşim Nazlar
Call Management: Yeşim Nazlar
Action Items: EN
Recording: EN
Transcript: ENEN
Adobe Connect Chat: EN
Call Chair: Wolf Ludwig
1).Roll Call - Staff
2. Introduction /scope of request – Olivier and Wolf
3. Review of the main issues to be updated: - Main topics to be included in the new By-laws. (suggested topics):
a) Governing structure and Responsibilities (Chair, VC, Board)
b) Membership
c) Decision making mechanisms
d) votes Quorum, proxies motions, etc
e) other issues
4. Florian’s view and outline and Swiss Law structure and requirements- Florian
5.. Discussion and methodology of the work, timeframes for completion- all
6. AOB) Current Legal Status of EURALO.
3) The Question of Resources in Practice and under Swiss Law.
4) Membership Admission and Due-Diligence
5) ICANN's Requirements.
6) Timetable
Reference documents: Legal and Background documents for the legal team to consider:
- EURALO Articles of Association, Adopted in Lisbon, on 27 April 2007, Amended on 24 May 2011 (corrected version April 2015)
- See progress of the Task Force on review and revision of the EURALO By-Laws
- ICANN By – Laws, Section 12.2, d (vii) (viii)[icann.org]