Apologies: Isaac Maposa, Bukola Oronti, Adugna Necho Mulatu
Agenda : https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/AFRALO/pages/104629144/2024-12-04+AFRALO+Monthly+Teleconference
1.Adoption of the Agenda - (@Hadia Elminiawi)
- NOMCOM update - (@Dave Kissoondoyal)
- Overview of the 2025 NomCom Setup
- Amir Qayyum has been appointed as the NomCom Chair.
- Thomas Barrett is serving as the NomCom Chair-elect.
- Vanda Scartezini has taken on the role of Associate Chair.
- Subcommittees will continue their work and wait for the official announcement.
- Progress updates will be shared in upcoming meetings.
- CIP - CCG Update - AFRALO CIP document - AFRALO representatives - (@Bram Fudzulani)
@Hadia reminded us that AFRALO needs to implement its continuous improvement programme, starting with reviving the capacity-building webinar group and identifying topics of interest. She also mentioned the importance of working on the transition documents.
Bukola Oronti apologized.
- Update AFRALO Newsletter - (@Remmy Nweke)