Andrea Glandon: (4/23/2019 14:40) Welcome to the ATLAS III Webinar 1: Domain Names held on Tuesday, 23 April 2019 at 21:00 UTC.
Andrea Glandon: (14:40) Wiki Agenda Page: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/GAJ1BgS4wRBg
Andrea Glandon: (15:03) All participants will be in listen only, until the question and answer part of the webinar.
Aris Ignacio: (15:49) hello everyone!
Andrea Glandon: (15:51) Welcome!
José Francisco Arce: (15:52) Hello everyone !! Hola a todos
Adrian Schmidt: (15:53) Hello from Lacombe, AB!
Glenn McKnight(NARALO): (15:54) Folks if interested i have produced a EBook bookshelve of ICANN reports and webinars
Carlos Leal - Ni: (15:54) hello everyone Carlos Leal from Nicaragua
Gabriel BOMBAMBO: (15:55) Bonjour à tous
Maritza Aguero: (15:55) Hello everybody!!
Amir Qayyum: (15:55) Hello everyone.
Gabriel BOMBAMBO: (15:56) Bonjour / Bonsoir à tous
Dave Kissoondoyal: (15:56) Hello everyone
Joanna Kulesza ALAC EURALO: (15:57) Hello everyone, thank you for joining.
haroun mahamat cherif: (15:57) hi
sergio salinas porto: (16:00) hi everyone!!!!
sergio salinas porto: (16:00) please call me at +5492235215819 in spanish chanel
Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: (16:00) Hello All / Bonsoir à tous
Andrea Glandon: (16:00) Hello Sergio, the operator is calling
Bikram Shrestha- Nepal: (16:01) Hi Good Morning from Nepal!
Carlton SAMUELS: (16:01) Howdy one and all
sergio salinas porto: (16:01) yes im in back
Gisella Gruber: (16:01) @ All - AC audio is in English ONLY - please join the ADIGO phone bridge for French or Spanish
Maureen Hilyard: (16:01) HI there Nepal :)
Sarah Kiden 2: (16:02) Hi all
Alberto Soto: (16:02) Hola a todos, hello everyone!!
Otunte Otueneh: (16:02) Hello all
Michel TCHONANG LINZE: (16:02) Hi All
Alan Greenberg: (16:02) Both Olivier and I would like staff to flip slides.
Antonio Medina Gómez ACUI: (16:02) Hola a todos, buenas tardes/buenas noches
Glenn McKnight(NARALO): (16:03) If you are curious what people look like see my photostream
Alan Greenberg: (16:03) Olivier will start.
Glenn McKnight(NARALO): (16:03)
Glenn McKnight(NARALO): (16:03) ICANN kobe pictures
Glenn McKnight(NARALO): (16:03)
Carlton SAMUELS: (16:04) Is it just my location or the sound is echo-y?
Bill Jouris: (16:04) If you've got sound at all, you're ahead of me
Alan Greenberg: (16:04) Joanna is a bit muffled. Better with Olivier?
Heidi Ullrich: (16:05) Welcome All!
Carlton SAMUELS: (16:05) I'm hearing OCL very clearly now
Maureen Hilyard: (16:05) Olivier is very clear sound-wise..
Adrian Schmidt: (16:05) Olivier sound is good. ON the adigo bridge
Hadia Elminiawi: (16:05) I hear OCL well too
Joanna Kulesza ALAC EURALO: (16:05) Apologies for my sound quality.
Jose Ovidio Salgueiro 2: (16:05) Hi everybody
Andrea Glandon: (16:06) @Joanna, the operator will dial back to you to see if we can get a better line.
sergio salinas porto: (16:06) Dear Staff, it is possible that you call Diego Acostra Bastidas from Ecuador at +593996154300
Gisella Gruber: (16:06) @Sergio - yes
Andrea Glandon: (16:06) @Sergio, the operator will be calling out shortly
sergio salinas porto: (16:06) thanks gisella
Marcelo Telez: (16:06) Hello everybody
sergio salinas porto: (16:06) plase in the spanish chanell
sergio salinas porto: (16:06) hola marcelo!!!
Andrea Glandon: (16:07) Will do, Sergio, thank you!
Glenn McKnight(NARALO): (16:07) Looks like 40 online for Adobe
Maureen Hilyard: (16:08) I lost Alan for a brief time just then...'
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:08) Hi, sorry for being late - just reached home
Adam Ahmat Doungous: (16:08) hello all
Marcelo Rodríguez: (16:08) hola Sergio compañero
Glenn McKnight(NARALO): (16:08) Dev just started
Glenn McKnight(NARALO): (16:10) ebooks
Glenn McKnight(NARALO): (16:10) ATLARGE Webinars and Presentations
Glenn McKnight(NARALO): (16:10) These are ebooks
Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: (16:10) Thanks @Glenn
José Francisco Arce: (16:11) Thanks @Glenn
Adrian Schmidt: (16:11) Thank you @Glenn
Glenn McKnight(NARALO): (16:12) Alan is speaking , here is a picture for him
Glenn McKnight(NARALO): (16:12)
Gabriel BOMBAMBO: (16:12) on ne voit rien sur adobe
sergio salinas porto: (16:12) Dear Staff, it is possible that you call Paola Perez from venezuela at +584147344963 in spanish chanell
Andrea Glandon: (16:12) @Sergio, we will dial out
Roberto Gaetano: (16:13) Correct, about 10M in .org (disclosure: being in the Board of PIR I am supposed to know ð)
Gisella Gruber: (16:13) NOTE - anyone joining now will have missed the first 13min of this webinar (and 7 slides) so no longer considered as valid attendance
Oksana Prykhodko: (16:16) Hi everybody, sorry for being late
Glenn McKnight(NARALO): (16:17) FYI Joanna spoke earlier. Here is a picture of Joanna Kulezza
Glenn McKnight(NARALO): (16:17) Picture of Olivier
Joanna Kulesza ALAC EURALO: (16:17) Thanks Glenn:)
Andrea Glandon: (16:17) Wiki Agenda Page with this presentation: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/GAJ1BgS4wRBg
Wale Bakare: (16:18) Not seeing any picture
Andrés Azpúrua: (16:18) Wale. you probably need to tap it
Glenn McKnight(NARALO): (16:18)
Alan Greenberg: (16:18) If you have questions You can put them here:
Glenn McKnight(NARALO): (16:19) He is second from right
Alan Greenberg: (16:19) QUESTION: .......
Andrés Azpúrua: (16:20) @Gisella: what time is the breakpoint and how can we check exact time connection came trough
Gisella Gruber: (16:20) NOTE - If you were late, we have a second run of this webinar tomorrow, Wednesday 24 April at 12:00 UTC: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/ATLAS3/pages/101813349/2019-04-24+ATLAS+III+Webinar+1%3A1+Domain+Names
Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: (16:22) My question : Local Instance vs IXP what is the difference ?
Oksana Prykhodko: (16:22) @Gisella Thank you, got it!
Wale Bakare: (16:23) Question: Are the instances serving as the failovers as well to the parent root servers or just instances to replicate and sychronize with the parent root servers?
haroun mahamat cherif: (16:24) Alan Greenberg@ wich programming language use to build the top level domain or root?
Joanna Kulesza ALAC EURALO: (16:26) @all: Please kindly note we have 20 minutes reserved for Q&A at the end of this meeting.
Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: (16:26) Root Zone Database
Sarah Kiden: (16:26) Question to Alan: in one of the slides you showed www and learn as third level domains. Was trying to understand how www is 3rd level.
Glenn McKnight(NARALO): (16:26) lost sound
Gisella Gruber: (16:26) @Andres - we stopped attendance at 21:13 UTC and we have the Adobe Connect time stamp as it is a requirement to be on the Adobe Connect and language channel if you need ES or FR interpretation
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:26) lost Olivier
Maureen Hilyard: (16:26) lost sound
Bikram Shrestha- Nepal: (16:26) voice lost
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (16:26) audio down
Glenn McKnight(NARALO): (16:27) skyping him
Dave Kissoondoyal: (16:27) We lost Olivier
Andrea Glandon: (16:27) I would recommend connecting to the phone
Adrian Schmidt: (16:27) It works on the adigo bridge still
Gisella Gruber: (16:27) Yes correct
Marcelo Telez: (16:27) audio down...
Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: (16:27) no audio
Bikram Shrestha- Nepal: (16:27) no sound ?
Ejikeme Egbuogu: (16:27) no audio
Maureen Hilyard: (16:27) ac audio is down
Harold Arcos: (16:27) ES channel is ok
Andrea Glandon: (16:27) One moment
Aris Ignacio: (16:27) no audio
Alberto Soto: (16:27) Inthe Spanis channel, yes
Jinger Escalante: (16:27) I can't
Alberto Soto: (16:27) Spanish
Glenn McKnight(NARALO): (16:28) He knows he was dropped , he is wating to reconnect
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (16:28) ok then I need a dial out to my mobile and I am on Roaming ð£ (16:28) no sound
Sarah Kiden: (16:28) AC back
Bikram Shrestha- Nepal: (16:28) Yes.. thank you
Roberto Gaetano: (16:28) works now
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (16:28) we hear you G
Gunela Astbrink: (16:28) can hear now
Dave Kissoondoyal: (16:28) audio is OK ..only we lost Olivier
Aris Ignacio: (16:28) i can hear you
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:28) heard you Gisella
Glenn McKnight(NARALO): (16:28) Question. How does someone get a copy of the slideshows?
Amir Qayyum: (16:28) Can hear Gisella, but not Olivier ...
Jinger Escalante: (16:28) si escucho
Dave Kissoondoyal: (16:28) We can hear you Gisela
José Francisco Arce: (16:28) Si, se escucha
Joanna Kulesza ALAC EURALO: (16:29) No audio on the AC Gisella.
Jinger Escalante: (16:29) audio en el canal de español si
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (16:29) hearing you and the audio bridge joining
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (16:29) yes OCL
Joanna Kulesza ALAC EURALO: (16:29) Yes Olivier, we can hear you
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:29) hearing u Olivier
Maureen Hilyard: (16:29) yes Olivier
Alberto Soto: (16:29) @CLO, Care, you will not go to Montreal ....
Bikram Shrestha- Nepal: (16:29) Yes.. fine now (16:29) yes
Dave Kissoondoyal: (16:29) fine now
Gisella Gruber: (16:29) It is working agai
Aris Ignacio: (16:29) yup
Michel TCHONANG LINZE: (16:29) Yes Olivier ok
Adrian Schmidt: (16:30) https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/download/attachments/108331547101813349/Domain_Names-demystified-ATLAS%20III.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1556046052000&api=v2
Alan Greenberg: (16:30) @Sarah, in the case of, LEARN is a 3rd level name and 222 is a 4th level name (BTW, that full address is fictional - it does not really exist - just an example)
Alan Greenberg: (16:30) 222 = www
humberto.carrasco: (16:31) hello everybody, Apologise for being late, I was finishing a class
Adrian Schmidt: (16:31) That’s the link for the slides @glenn
haroun mahamat cherif: (16:32) @Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong thank u
Alan Greenberg: (16:32) NOTE THAT PEOPLE WHO ARE LATE WILL NOT BE LOGGED AS HAVING ATTENDED IF THEY APPLY FOR ATLAS 3 (Don't think Humberto will be applying).
Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: (16:33) @Cherif choukouran ya akhou anah farhann da intih gahidd ma anah daymann mashallah
Nkem Nweke: (16:33) Apologies for joining late. The audio is not stable. I can't hear any any one anymore
A-Eduardo Diaz: (16:33) Just checking...
Ramanou BIAOU: (16:34) Hi all
Gisella Gruber: (16:34) Nkem - audio is good both in AC and audio bridge
Sarah Kiden: (16:35) @Alan, thank you!
Nkem Nweke: (16:35) Thanks @Gisella
Michel TCHONANG LINZE: (16:36) Very good Gisela et thanks for all
Hadia Elminiawi: (16:37) yes it is
Aris Ignacio: (16:37) QUESTION:is. net and. org also are. legacy TLDs?
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (16:38) LONG before vICANN was thought of...
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (16:40) @Aris: yes they are - ut have been transferred to ICANN's ecosystem
Otunte Otueneh: (16:40) To what extent does ICANN regulates the Registries?
Roberto Gaetano: (16:41) However, the change since ICANN is that .com/.org/.net were forced to split operations between a Registry and a Registrar, and competition was introduces at the Registrar level
Roberto Gaetano: (16:42) This just to say that now they are different "things"
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (16:44) I use the term Leasing the Licence for a Domain Name
Maureen Hilyard: (16:45) Ive lost sound again
Dave Kissoondoyal: (16:45) lost Alan
Glenn McKnight(Naralo) 2: (16:45) sound
Bikram Shrestha- Nepal: (16:45) again lost audio
Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: (16:45) no audio from Alan
Sarah Kiden: (16:45) Lost audio again?
humberto.carrasco: (16:45) yep (16:45) no sound
Aris Ignacio: (16:45) no audio
humberto.carrasco: (16:45) there is no audio
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:45) no sound
humberto.carrasco: (16:45) there is no audio
Harold Arcos: (16:45) Lost audio in AC
Marcelo Telez: (16:45) audio down...
Anne-Marie Joly-bachollet: (16:46) lost sound
Ejikeme Egbuogu: (16:46) no audio
Maureen Hilyard: (16:46) how annoying!!!
Bikram Shrestha- Nepal: (16:46) no audio Alan
Andrea Glandon: (16:46) One moment, we are reconnecting
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (16:46) yup audio down again
Otunte Otueneh: (16:46) Audio fluctuates
Amir Qayyum: (16:46) Audio available on audio bridge, but not on AC ...
Carlton SAMUELS: (16:46) We interrupt this program with a little night music
Andrea Glandon: (16:46) we are reconnecting the AC
Internauta Colombia - Eliecer Acevedo: (16:46) Audio went off
Alan Greenberg: (16:46) No music here!
Vrikson Acosta: (16:46) Hello everyone
Andrea Glandon: (16:46) I can sing
sergio salinas porto: (16:46) tic tac tic tac
Alan Greenberg: (16:47) Andrea, PLEASE DO!
Andrea Glandon: (16:47) :D
@JingerEscalante: (16:47) hahaha
Gabriel BOMBAMBO Boseko: (16:47) plus de son
Alan Greenberg: (16:47) I could sing too, but then you would all be forced to hang up!
Gisella Gruber: (16:47) Le son arrive! On a eu un probleme technique
haroun mahamat cherif: (16:47) no sound
Bakary KOUYATE (ISOC MALI): (16:47) Je n'ai pas de son
Alan Greenberg: (16:47) Audio being reconnected.
humberto.carrasco: (16:48) sound is back
Sarah Kiden: (16:48) Back
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:48) hearing you Alan
Dave Kissoondoyal: (16:48) ok now
Bakary KOUYATE (ISOC MALI): (16:48) Ok
Gunela Astbrink: (16:48) I hear Alan again
José Francisco Arce: (16:48) Yes
Bikram Shrestha- Nepal: (16:48) Yes.. back again
Aris Ignacio: (16:48) ok now..
Anne-Marie Joly-bachollet: (16:48) ok now
Bikram Shrestha- Nepal: (16:48) ok now
Anahí Menéndez: (16:48) en la llamada se escucha bien
Roberto Gaetano: (16:48) Thanks for the interruption I really needed a bio break
Alberto Soto: (16:49) Me too Roberto...
Amir Qayyum: (16:50) By the way, why its a requirement to connect via AC and audio bridge, both? The audio on the phone is few seconds ahead, and I have to listen to both audio which are not synchronized ... Fun!!!
Andrea Glandon: (16:51) @Amir, you can mute your speaker on the AC. Participants need to be on AC to see the slides.
Amir Qayyum: (16:51) @Andrea: OK, thanks.
Andrea Glandon: (16:52) You're welcome!
Bikram Shrestha- Nepal: (16:52) any example of IDNs?
Aris Ignacio: (16:53) @Andrea is connecting only to AC ok?
Andrea Glandon: (16:53) Yes, it is okay
Andrea Glandon: (16:54) Some have had issues with audio on AC, so I suggested they connect on the phone
javie4 chandia: (16:54) ...eles posible que me llamen a mi celular...estoy en el trabajo actualmentehola
Aris Ignacio: (16:54) @Andrea thanks.. haven't connected to the audio bridge
Andrea Glandon: (16:55) @Aris, that is okay
Dave Kissoondoyal: (16:59) They can be used on a different port for http
Carlton SAMUELS: (16:59) was in the news
Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: (16:59) Whois SERVICE now with the new policy hiding many infos to protect user personal infos (RGDP)
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (16:59) Alan forgot to mention that the person who turned up at the other person's home with a gun to get their domain name ended up in jail. Article to be found in the Washington Post
@JingerEscalante: (17:00) Godness!
Wale Bakare: (17:01) What about the latest Amazon's proposal for.AMAZON, .BRAND etc?
Nkem Nweke: (17:03) with IDN are geo names still protected
Vrikson Acosta 2: (17:03) @wale What happens with the .amazon issue depends if answered by last sunday to ICANN's request
Joanna Kulesza (EURALO ALAC): (17:04) I might be biased but this is the most exciting IP addressing and numbering course I've ever participated in. Thank you Alan and Olivier.
Harold Arcos: (17:04) lost audio in AC
Alejandro Milano (Internauta Venezuela): (17:04) No audio
Bikram Shrestha- Nepal: (17:04) o no again, no audio
Aris Ignacio: (17:04) noaudio again
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (17:04) yes we have
Nkem Nweke: (17:04) audio is gone
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (17:04) no audio from Olivier
haroun mahamat cherif: (17:04) no sound
Sarah Kiden: (17:04) :-( (17:04) no sounds
Andrea Glandon: (17:04) we will reconnect one moment
Dave Kissoondoyal: (17:04) no audio on AC
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (17:04) we must get onto Zoom ASAP
Anne-Marie Joly-bachollet: (17:04) sound lost
Gisella Gruber: (17:05) Audio will be back shortly!
Alan Greenberg: (17:05) What is happening? Does AC know that ICANN is changing to ZOOM and is punishing us?
Joanna Kulesza (EURALO ALAC): (17:05) +1 CLO
Gisella Gruber: (17:05) All those on the ADIGO bridge have audio but NOT in the Adobe COnnect
Andrea Glandon: (17:05) one moment, we are reconnecting
Aris Ignacio: (17:05) @Alan hahaha!
Gisella Gruber: (17:05) Nous allons reconnecter sous peu
Vrikson Acosta 2: (17:05) How can I connect with ADIGO?
@JingerEscalante: (17:05) hahaha
Andrea Glandon: (17:06) We the AC loses audio we are stopping the call. You will not miss anything
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (17:06) back
Vrikson Acosta 2: (17:06) Nothing is being shown nor said
Gisella Gruber: (17:06) AUDIO will be back any second
Internauta Colombia - Eliecer Acevedo: (17:06) Okay
Claudia Ruiz: (17:06) AUdio back
Gisella Gruber: (17:06) AUDIO Back
Dave Kissoondoyal: (17:06) K
Vrikson Acosta 2: (17:06) audio is back
Aris Ignacio: (17:06) back..
Anne-Marie Joly-bachollet: (17:06) ok now
Wale Bakare: (17:06) @Vrikson, I am not sure about that. Has Amazon been issued a response letter yet to make some clarifications? Bear in mind, Amazon only redrafted the proposal to amend areas of concerns
Michel TCHONANG LINZE: (17:06) No sound on the phone
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (17:06) hearing you
haroun mahamat cherif: (17:06) yeah
Alejandro Milano (Internauta Venezuela): (17:06) AC back
Michel TCHONANG LINZE: (17:07) ok
Bikram Shrestha- Nepal: (17:07) resume audio
Wale Bakare: (17:08) @Vrikson, I am not sure about that. Has Amazon been issued a response letter yet to make some clarifications? Bear in mind, Amazon only redrafted the prop4osal to amend areas of concerns
Internauta Colombia - Eliecer Acevedo: (17:08) Yes, you got lots of soliciting phone calls
Internauta Colombia - Eliecer Acevedo: (17:08) to avoid this you need to purchase privacy...
Alan Greenberg: (17:08) And who will be able to get access to the "privte" data. Needed by many (cybersecurity folks for instance). But that is a MUCH larger discussion.
Roberto Gaetano: (17:12) BTW, there is an ALAC IDN Working Group, you are all welcome to join it because there is still a lot to do in order to fully deploy IDNs
Aris Ignacio: (17:13) @Roberto how does one join?
Joanna Kulesza (EURALO ALAC): (17:14) @OCL & @Alan, please kindly note we are 16 minutes away from the planned timeline for this call. We originally scheduled 20 mins for Q&A. If we could still have 10 mins for questions, that would be great.
Gunela Astbrink: (17:14) Love the prawn sandwich = räksmörgås ie Swedish
Roberto Gaetano: (17:14) I will send the info on theAtLarge list - or maybe staff can post it if they have it handy?!?
Dave Kissoondoyal: (17:14) Yes it is Hindi registry.bharat
ALan Greenberg: (17:16) For variants, some registries give you both, some allow you to register one but disallow the other, others allow two different people to register each!
Roberto Gaetano: (17:17) @Ignacio (and all) - to join the IDN WG follow instructions at this web page
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (17:18) it's a business model Alan ð¤
Roberto Gaetano: (17:20) It will be nice to analyze how the market reacts to these different business models - do we know of any studies or reports on this?
Dave Kissoondoyal: (17:22) lost audio again
Internauta Colombia - Eliecer Acevedo: (17:23) Audio went off again
Roberto Gaetano: (17:23) Some registrars give you up to 8 weeks advance notice of upcoming expiration date
Harold Arcos: (17:23) lost audio again
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (17:23) yep again
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (17:23) no audio
Aris Ignacio: (17:23) no qudio again
Gisella Gruber: (17:23) AUDIO will be back shortly! APOLOGIES
Carlos Leal - Ni: (17:23) what is goin?what
javie4 chandia: (17:24) no audio
Vrikson Acosta 2: (17:24) The slides went back and the audio stopped
Andrea Glandon: (17:24) One moment, we are reconnecting the audio
Gisella Gruber: (17:24) AUDIO will be back
Bikram Shrestha- Nepal: (17:24) no audio again
Maureen Hilyard: (17:24) :(
Marcelo Telez: (17:24) so mucs troubles today
Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: (17:24) OK
Carlton SAMUELS: (17:24) Was about to tell you there is a frequency to the drop!
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (17:24) hearing Alan again
Dave Kissoondoyal: (17:24) ok now
Aris Ignacio: (17:24) back now
Vrikson Acosta 2: (17:24) audio is back
Andrea Glandon: (17:24) Back now
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (17:25) yeah there seems to be a pattern to the drops
Glenn McKnight(Naralo) 2: (17:25) Here is the Onboarding materials Dev that you created
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (17:25) these audio issues have been more regular in recent Adobe Connect calls as we close down the ICANN use of that tool, and move to Zoom
Alberto Soto: (17:26) Yes CLO...
ALan Greenberg: (17:28) Part of the malicious aspect of software! It knows you are deserting it and will make you suffer!
Internauta Colombia - Eliecer Acevedo: (17:29) Trade Marks must be in use, if not expires after 2 years
Adrian Schmidt: (17:29) It is good that the technical team decided to move to Zoom!
ALan Greenberg: (17:31) Also:
Carlos Leal - Ni: (17:32) I am also ISOC member zoom is the platform for meetings and we never face this kind of problems
Glenn McKnight(Naralo) 2: (17:32) A shout out to the Naralo members. Gordon, Dave M., Karen, Adrian, Bill Jouris and me
Bikram Shrestha- Nepal: (17:32) Right zoom is good, we use in ISOC
Dave Kissoondoyal: (17:33) it is us who have to thank you and Alan
Michel TCHONANG LINZE: (17:33) Thank Olivier and Alan
David Mackey: (17:33) Thanks Glenn
Vrikson Acosta 2: (17:33) @Adrian Zoom is only free for 40 minutes. Maybe for you it's ok to buy it, but for me it's almost imposible. Also, Zoom does not support so many participants
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (17:33) excellent ðð Session Alan and OCL... THANK YOU
Sarah Kiden: (17:33) Thank you Alan and Olivier! Interesting webinar
José Francisco Arce: (17:33) Thanks all !!!
Glenn McKnight(Naralo) 2: (17:33) The business version of ZOOM doesn't have time limits
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (17:33) re: audio issues it could be as more resources that ICANN gives up in hosting Adobe Connect, ICANN has less resources serving Adobe Connect
Aris Ignacio: (17:34) nice webinar..
Glenn McKnight(Naralo) 2: (17:34) Kudos to Olivier and Alan G in a job well done
Antonio Medina Gómez ACUI: (17:34) gracias Alan y Olivier...excelente!!!!
Andrea Glandon: (17:34) https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/GAJ1BgS4wRBg
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (17:34) with Zoom we will be using the ICANN paid for and specific resources... so not limited as such
Andrea Glandon: (17:34) Above is the agenda page with the slides
Gunela Astbrink: (17:34) Excellent presentations, thank you Alan and Olivier
@JingerEscalante: (17:34) Excellente! valuable and good info
Joanna Kulesza (EURALO ALAC): (17:34) Thank you very much Alan and Olivier!
Gisella Gruber: (17:34) The slides are on the agenda page as well as the main Online Courses page: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/ATLAS3/pages/101812214/Online+Training+Courses
Vrikson Acosta 2: (17:35) @Akan & @Olivier I feel I understood everything, for I knew much about it. Maybe I can think of something as others ask questions
Internauta Colombia - Eliecer Acevedo: (17:35) There is a question here: Many Domain Providers are forcing registrants to purchase Domain Privacy
Gisella Gruber: (17:35) FYI - Additional Educational Materials for registrants are available at
Internauta Colombia - Eliecer Acevedo: (17:35) Seems like if you don´t get it, you will receive lots of unsolicited phone calls
Nkem Nweke: (17:35) @Alan & Olivier Thanks
Glenn McKnight(Naralo) 2: (17:36) Here is tonights presenatation as a Ebook
Alejandro Milano (Internauta Venezuela): (17:36) Thank you Alan and Olivier! Interesting webinar
Adrian Schmidt: (17:36) great training thank you very much!
Carlton SAMUELS: (17:36) Way to go Glenn!
sergio salinas porto: (17:36) yes Olivier
Bakary KOUYATE (ISOC MALI): (17:36) superbe présentation
David Mackey: (17:36) Great presentation! Thank you Olivier and Alan! (not a question)
sergio salinas porto: (17:37) Internauta Colombia - Eliecer Acevedo: Seems like if you don´t get it, you will receive lots of unsolicited phone calls
Carlton SAMUELS: (17:37) Thank you all!
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (17:37) I have to leave the call - thanks for the presentation
haroun mahamat cherif: (17:37) tx u
Gabdibé Gab-Hingonne: (17:37) I followed the webinar with great interest.
Amir Qayyum: (17:37) Good webinar. Special thanks to Alan and Olivier.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (17:37) bye for now...great turnout as well ð
Gabdibé Gab-Hingonne: (17:37) Apart from some technical disturbances I liked the content of the webinar. Thanks to the presenters.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (17:38) yes audio Gremlins not required to join us next call
Alberto Soto: (17:38) Thans!! Bye Bye!!
Joanna Kulesza (EURALO ALAC): (17:38) https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/ATLAS3/pages/101812214/Online+Training+Courses
Glenn McKnight(Naralo) 2: (17:39) bye all
Gisella Gruber: (17:39) Please see all dates and timings (some to be updated) on this page: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/ATLAS3/pages/101812214/Online+Training+Courses
Adrian Schmidt: (17:39) bye!
Bikram Shrestha- Nepal: (17:39) Thank you! staff and all members
Jose Ovidio Salgueiro 2: (17:39) Thank you very much!
Aris Ignacio: (17:39) thanks a lot!
Ejikeme Egbuogu: (17:39) Great job, bye
Gunela Astbrink: (17:39) Thanks. bye
Hadia Elminiawi: (17:39) bye
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (17:39) bye
Bikram Shrestha- Nepal: (17:39) bye for now
Internauta Colombia - Eliecer Acevedo: (17:39) Bye
Amir Qayyum: (17:39) Bye all.
Sarah Kiden: (17:39) Bye everyone
Silvia Vivanco: (17:39) Thank you all
Vrikson Acosta 2: (17:39) I already answered about the .amazon issue. Did answered ICANN's request by last sunday? If yes, ICANN will review it. If no, ICANN can take 2 roads, and I think which one will be, NOTE: Read ICANN's CEO letter to the Secretary of ACTO, and you will see what I mean
Michel TCHONANG LINZE: (17:39) Good bye all
Roberto Gaetano: (17:39) bye
Carlos Leal - Ni: (17:39) thanks a lot
Gilberto Lara: (17:39) thanks!
Bakary KOUYATE (ISOC MALI): (17:39) bye bye
Marcelo Telez: (17:39) thank's for allá
Dave Kissoondoyal: (17:39) thanks a lot to Alan, Olivier, staff and participants
Anne-Marie Joly-bachollet: (17:39) thanks
Vrikson Acosta 2: (17:39) bye everyone
Gabdibé Gab-Hingonne: (17:39) See you tomorrow!
Antonio Medina Gómez ACUI: (17:39) gracias...thanks
Gordon Chillcott: (17:39) Thanks and bye for now
Nkem Nweke: (17:39) bye @all
Anahí Menéndez: (17:39) thanks and bye!
Vrikson Acosta 2: (17:39) @Alan Thanks
Vrikson Acosta 2: (17:40) @Olivier Merci
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