Time: 20:00 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here) Note: ONE HOUR LATER THAN USUAL
How can I participate in this meeting? Please join on Adigo #3535 for this meeting only.
- Staff to recalculate the budget for the NARALO Showcase with as many real numbers as possible. - COMPLETED
- Staff to find a fishbowl for business card collection. - TO BE COMPLETED IN TORONTO
- Matt Ashtiani to send Glenn McKnight a list of participants. Glenn McKnight to then contact NARALO members and ask them to volunteer at the NARALO booth. - COMPLETED
- Gisella Gruber to check if the same time can be scheduled for next Wednesday
- OCL needs a list from staff of people who will be receiving certificates
- Inserting Steve Crocker into Showcase Lineup
- Correction to Toronto Mailing list: Naralo-toronto@icann.org
- Staff cooperation with "back end" of Interest form
- Filling in table coverage
- Final travel details
3. Discussion of NARALO Toronto Event Activities - All (30 mins)
a. NARALO RALO Anniversary/Outreach Event (Regatta Room & Time)
i. See NARALO RALO Anniversary webpage
Staff: Delete "coordination" column in Agenda table - COMPLETED (noted, Garth, Staff - delete this line, thx)
b. NARALO Capacity Building Meetings
i.Tentative topics of the Fellowship Meetings in Toronto: cyber security in developing nations, implementation of IPv6, DNSsec, Stakeholder Services and Relations, IDN gTLDs, IDN ccTLDs, Policy development – how to get developing nations involved, impact of Internet Governance within ICANN, ccTLD compliance (asked by community member).