All AFRALO/AfrICANN Statements from Brussels to present
36. ICANN 81, Istanbul, November 2024.
- Statement: 'Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Enhancing Multilingualism in the African Internet Space: An ICANN initiative"
- Déclaration:
- Letter "
35. ICANN 80, Kigali, June 2024.
- Statement :Improvement of African Participation in ICANN
- Déclaration:Renforcement de la participation de l’Afrique à l’ICANN
- Arabic version.
- Letter from Tripti Sinha, Chair, ICANN Board of Directors in response to the Statement "Improvement of African Participation in ICANN".
31. ICANN76, Cancun, Mexico, March 2023
29. ICANN 74, The Hague virtual online meeting, June 2022.
- Statement "The role of the AFRALO community in mitigating DNS Abuse"
- Déclaration:
28. ICANN 73 San Juan , Virtual online meeting, March 2022
8. ICANN 46 Beijing, April 2013
7. ICANN 44 Prague, June 2012
6. ICANN 43 San Jose, March 2012
5. ICANN 42 Dakar, October 2011
3. ICANN 40 San Francisco, March 2011
2. ICANN 39 Cartagena de Indias, December 2010