- Roll Call / SOI
- Complete work on possible requirements list (Task 8) – see latest version of signup sheet (below)
- Progress Update
- Set target for completing the requirements list for task 9
- Outreach message #2 (draft circulated in separate email - see below)
- Identify lead points of contacts for SO/AC/SG/Cs
- Discuss preparation for Helsinki meeting
- Cross-Community meeting
- F2F WG meeting
- Confirm next meeting – Tuesday 14 June at 16.00 UTC
Apologies: Alan Greenberg, Alex Deacon, Ayden Férdeline, Carlos Raúl Gutiérrez, Susan Prosser, Holly Raiche, Kathy Kleiman (joining late), Amr Elsadr, Lawrence Olawale-Roberts
- In first outreach message, SO/AC/SG/Cs have been asked to identify a lead point of contact. If WG members know who the point of contact will be, please communicate this with the WG. Is functional role - to ensure that information flows back and forth between the WG & SO/AC/SG/Cs.
- Volunteers: Klaus Stoll (NPOC), Fabricio Vayra (IPC), Beth Allegretti (BC), Greg Mounier (GAC PSWG), Sara Bockey (RrSG), Farell Folly (NCSG), Nathalie Coupet (At-Large - TBC)
- Please see https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/J4xlAwWQENBg for current affiliations
- Need to ensure that volunteers have agreement from respective groups to serve in this capacity (also factor in formal feedback that is received by outreach #1 document is received)