• Name: Remmy Nweke • Affiliation: DigitalSENSE Africa Media • Position applied for: Chair, Policy Committee • Why you are running for the position?: Having served in the policy committee in the recent past, my decision to run for the chairman, Policy Committee of NPOC is to take the Policy engagement of NPOC to the next level, leveraging on our diverse and collective strength to increase engagement in alliance with other members of NPOC and larger NCSG family. I am also an active individual member of ICANN’s Generic Name Supporting Organisations (GNSO) like Non-Commercial Users Stakeholder Group (NCSG), Non-Commercial Users Constituency (NCUC) and Not-for-Profit Operational Concerns Constituency (NPOC) respectively and has been in forefront of all-inclusive diversity advocacy and is one of those who devoted time and energy in the NPOC charter review working group among others. In addition, I am a consistent member of At-Large Advisory Committee of ICANN under AFRALO - African Regional At-Large Organisation; member of the ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement; Fellow, Cyber Security Policy on Human Rights Defenders; Chairman, Communication & Advocacy Committee (CAC), IPv6 Council Nigeria. Lately, I served as an elected Executive board member, Nigeria Internet Registration Association (NIRA), the managers of .NG country code Top Level Domain and extended my services to several committees including Communications and Publicity, Accreditation, Finance and Establishment, as well as an elected Vice President of the African Civil Society on the Information Society (ACSIS), pioneer branch Secretary, Cyber Security Expert Association of Nigeria (CSEAN) and former publicity secretary, Nigeria Internet Group (NIG) cum chairman, International Relations of NIG; pioneer Secretary, ICT Media Initiative; BARK Foundation – a knowledge-based advocacy group; Internet Governance Caucus (IGC), to name a few. Also in Nigeria, DigitalSENSE Africa efforts at building multistakeholderism gave rise to nurturing of what is today known as Nigeria Internet Governance Forum (NIGF) of which I am equally serving as a member of the NIGF Local Multistakeholder Advisory Group (LMAG), just as I served as a member of the Civil Society Selection Group for the recently concluded WSIS+10 Stakeholder Selection Committee for the United Nations President of the General Assembly, among others. Personally interested in policy development and particularly as it concerns the Internet ecosystem, hence, I tend to add-value to my policy-making drive moving forward, especially having recently been elected Vice President, African Civil Society on the Information Society (ACSIS) and have relevant expertise as a Contemporary Diplomacy post-graduate from the University of Malta and various certifications on Internet related governance, invariably to translate this opportunity towards improving NPOC policy engagement in association with other members for the benefit of entire ICANN community. I am a member of NCUC | NPOC | NCSG, (DigitalSENSE Africa Media) as well as the Africa Regional At-Large Organizations (AFRALO); and optimistic of immensely contributing to future input into NPOC Policy Development Process. • Do you have any conflict(s) of interest?: NO. • How many Hours a week you are able to dedicate to the position: Will endeavor at least Five (5) hours • Are you involved in any working Groups or PDP efforts, if so please state: NPOC Charter Review Working Group, Policy Committee and ALAC Outreach Engagement Thank you for your consideration, support and God bless. |