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Interpretation: EN, ES, PT

Recording: ENES, PT PT

Adobe Connect Chat Transcript:   EN/ES

Transcription:   EN, ES, PT      








  Alberto Soto, Harold Arcos, Renata Aquino Ribeiro, Wladimir Dávalos, Alfredo Lopez, Aida Noblia,  Carlos Raúl Gutiérrez, Ricardo Homquist, Philippe Boland, Fatima Cambronero, Alejandro Pisanty, Vanda Scartezini, Gilberto Lara, Diego Acosta Bastidas, Raitme Citterio, Sylvia Herlein Leite,

EN:  Jason Hynds, Dev Anand Teelucksingh,

PT: none

Apologies: Juan Manuel Rojas, Antonio Medina Gómez, Alyne Andrade

Staff: Silvia Vivanco, Rodrigo Saucedo, Gisella Gruber

Call management: Gisella Gruber



David & Veronica

                       PT:  Bettina






1.    Bienvenida  Alberto      Soto 1’



   Asistencia -  Personal 

3.    Aprobación de la Agenda- Humberto      Carrasco 2´

4.    Presentación del CEO de ICANN.  Alberto Soto 3'

5    Cancelación de ICANN Panamá. Alberto Soto 2'

6    Pedido de Asamblea General. Alberto Soto  10' At-Large FY17 Budget Development Workspace

7    Voto de MOU con LACNIC. Alberto Soto y Humberto Carrasco 5'

8    Rendición de cuentas Alberto Soto y Humberto Carrasco 20'


9.   Otros temas 20'

 - Webinar "Recomendaciones Finales sobre la Revision de las Regiones Geograficas " la cual se llevara a cabo el 18 de Febrero del 2016 at 23:00 UTC for 90 minutes.












5.         Estado de avance MOU–LACNIC Alberto Soto   5’

6.         Temas actualmente en discusión   Alberto Soto   5’




1.         Welcome  Alberto      Soto 1’

2.          Personal  2´

3.          Agenda Approval- Humberto      Carrasco 2´

4.         Review of ALAC  Public Consultations ALAC- Leon Sanchez - 5'

  1. Statements approved by the ALAC:
  2. Statements in process: being drafted, in comment or in vote:
  3. Statements that seem to be stalled:
    • None 
  4. Public Comment requests to which the ALAC decided not to submit Statements: 
  5. New Public Comment requests requiring decision: 
    • None 




5.          Status of MOU–LACNIC Alberto Soto   5’

6.          Issues under discussion Alberto Soto   5’

7.- Report on At-Large ALS Criteria and Expectations Taskforce (Jacqueline A. Morris – Juan Manuel Rojas)

8.-  Pending documents - Humberto carrasco 5’

 Proposal of LACRALO procedure for issuance, and publication of Statements .

 Proposal for the Recruitment of ALses 

Proposal of metrics  .



  1. Welcome - Alberto Soto - 1

  2. Roll call - Staff- 2

  3. Agenda approval- Humberto Carrasco- 2

  4. Introduction of ICANN CEO - Alberto Soto - 3'

  5. Cancellation of ICANN Panama - Alberto Soto 2'

  6. Request for General Assembly- Alberto Soto 2' At-Large FY17 Budget Development Workspace

  7. Vote of MOU with LACNIC- Alberto Soto and Humberto Carrasco

  8. Accountability of LACRALO Chairs and Secretariat - Alberto Soto y Humberto Carrasco

  9. Other issues  

    Webinar " Final Report Recommendations of the Geographic Regions Review " will be held on 18 February 2016 at 23:00 UTC for 90 minutes