- It can be reached either (a) from the WT B new Confluence workspace or (b) directly at https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AhOqmBdY590QdEdSSVM4SUhvcmZRMU5iWk5fM2UyUVE&hl=en.
- All members of WT B should have editing rights; please notify Seth if you do not.
- See new Confluence WT B workspace at https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/atlarge/pages/99529818/At-Large+Improvements+Work+Team+B.
4. Wiki page by Matthias on which all RALOs’ bylaws and bylaw changes under consideration are compared – Matthias, 10 min.
- See “RALO bylaws: Proposed revisions” (a) on WT B new Confluence workspace or (b) directly at https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/atlarge/Overview+RALO+Instruments.
5. Response of RALOs regarding WT B’s invitation to coordinate outreach/inreach to ALSes – Matthias, 10 min.