Meeting Number: WORKTEAMB/1010/1
Who is on the dial out list for this meeting?
1. Roll call - 5 min
2. Review of AIs from 20 Sep 2010 meeting - 10 min
Seth to inform Fouad of nomination as co-chair of WT B and to request answer. Status: Done; Fouad accepted position by e-mail following the meeting.
Staff to send out new Doodle to determine regular call day/time of WT B meetings. Status: Done; regular time for WT B calls set as every other Wednesday at 13:00 UTC.
Seth to create a version of Simplified At-Large Improvements Outline that (a) only includes recommendations assigned to WT B (Recs 3, 4, 7, and 9) or (b) has those tabs arranged next to each other, for convenience. Status: Done; a version of Outline containing only WT B’s recommendations is now available.
Matthias to set up a wiki page (to be linked to from WT B workspace) on which all RALOs’ bylaws and bylaw changes under consideration are compared. Status: Done, contingent on agenda (discussion) item below.
Matthias to suggest to all RALOs that they discuss whether they would like to coordinate their outreach/inreach work regarding ALSes with that of Improvements WT B. Status: Four of five RALOs have discussed it; see agenda (discussion) item on below.
3. WT B’s change over to using Confluence pages – Seth, 5 min.
4. Wiki page by Matthias on which all RALOs’ bylaws and bylaw changes under consideration are compared – Matthias, 10 min.
5. Response of RALOs regarding WT B’s invitation to coordinate outreach/inreach to ALSes – Matthias, 10 min.
6. WT B meetings in Cartagena – Co-Chairs, 10 min.
7. Any other business - 5 min
8. Confirmation of next meeting: Wed, 3 Nov, 13:00 UTC – 5 min