- @Jonathan Zuck and Justine Chew to take the discussion of idea to seek direct feedback from CPE applicants offline.
- ALAC/CPWG not to prepare a statement on Guidelines for Developing Reference Label Generation Rules Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated)
- Marita/Greg to develop initial talking points for RPM comment marita.moll/ gregory.shatan
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated) Once DNS Abuse videos (EN, ES, FR) is cleared for posting, EE to post on wiki, youtube, website.
- jonathan.zuck / Yesim Saglam (note: to be scheduled after May 4th CBWG Webinar) JZ to host a webinar on how to make a video in Powerpoint, prior to ICANN68
- JC/JZ to invite Jamie Baxter and Edmon Chung to the Single Issue CPWG call on CPE taking place on 16 April.