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The ICANN At-Large community accepts memberships from organisations/ groups and from Individuals within certain geographical regions. Becoming a member of the ICANN At-Large community is easy, free and can be done through the following ways;


Organizations and groups that support Internet users to participate in ICANN related Internet governance issues can apply to become members of ICANN At-Large community through becoming an At-Large Structure(ALS). The following are the organisations or groups that can become At-Large structures;


An At-Large Structure is a self supporting independent organisation which is a member of the ICANN At-Large community and acts as a conduit for the voice of Internet users within it's local geographic location on Issues of Internet Governance within ICANN's remit. All At-Large structures are located in one of the five geographic locations where a specific Regional At-Large Organisation (RALO) has jurisdiction over and should be affiliated to the specific RALO in their geographic location.

Here is a list of the five RALOs ;





How to become an accredited At-Large Structure (ALS)


  1. Becoming a member of an At-Large structure (ALS)

  2. Registering your organisation to become an ALS

  3. Joining your Regional At-Large Organisation(RALO) as an individual member, but this is only available in certain regions only (AFRALO, APRALONARALO and EURALO). Click here for more information. 

