Description: | Coordinate the ATLAS II Communications Working Group |
Open Date: | 13/01/14 |
Closed Date: | 12/06/14 |
(12/06/14): This item has been COMPLETED.
(05/06/14): Eduardo DIaz reported: website is expected to be ready to be promoted by next Monday. [Chat] [Recording] [Transcript - Page 19-20] [Reference Meeting Page ]
(29/05/14): Unlicensed user Natalia Enciso reported: 3 Newsletter has been sent in 3 languages: EN, ES, FR. 2 more to go. Web page allocated in English version is uploaded. Comments requested in the Comm WG. Translation into ES & FR will follow. Call next week to decide the launching date of the site. [Chat] [Recording] [Transcript Pages 28-29] [Reference Meeting Page]
(22/05/14): 2 Newsletter has been sent. 3 more to go. Website: IT Staff will confirm which domain will be used.Suggested Content to the website is being uploaded. Monday will be ready the english version to be approved by the Comm WG and Staff. Working on workflow for the content delivery during the meeting.Social media strategy done.Workflow still to decide.
(15/05/14): No report given. [Chat] [Recording:1:10:00] [Reference Meeting Page]
(02/054/14):The ATLAS II website is moving along. We're going to be having a call with the developers of that, from the Communications Working Group this next week with ICANN IT staff, so we can move that forward. Newsletter scheduled to go out during this coming weekend, i.e. 3/4 may 2014. [Chat] [Transcript - Pg. 28-33] [Reference Meeting Page]
(17/04/14): Nothing to report. [Chat] [Transcript - Pg. 16-17] [Reference Meeting Page]
(26/03/14 @ Singapore): Web page was discussed and agreed to transfer from Wordpress format to Drupal. This is an innovative idea since it will be the first time that the community will provide and update the actual content. Need to establish a timeline on when the page can be made available and process flows on how it is going to be updated. There will be some extra effort that needs to be done to make sure that the page is accessible by all. [Audio Recording ~ 21:00]
(17/03/14): Almost ready to start with our work in the pre ATLAS stage and finalizing the design of webpage and logo. Tomorrow there will be a call and on this we expect approve and adopt a webpage template .Sent the interview questions to our key interviewed for each newsletters and already have received 2 of them. Carlos Reyes is an excellent support. Our Logistic Team already sent us the information to post in our webpage and newsletter , and now are working to translate to different languajes.We are coordinating the ATLAS 2 social media work with Ariel into staff. [Chat] [Transcript - Pg.12] [Reference Meeting Page]
(06/03/14): Sub-teams created for the Newsletter and WebPage design work. Already had 2 calls. Timeline established. Tasks assigned to Sub-Team Leaders and members. Defined a call with each sub team leaders next for week to coordinate their work. [Chat] [Reference Meeting Page]
(20/02/14): There are 20 volunteers registered in this group. There are in the process of coordinating the group activities. [Transcript Page: 12-19] [Reference Meeting Page]
(06/02/14): This group has been combined with the Web Page group (Action Item 20) and it is now called the Communications Working Group. The are looking for more volunteers form APRALO. Need staff support to coordinate their first and subsequent calls. Also, they are seeking ideas on how and where to get content. [Transcript pages 11-15] [Reference Meeting Page]
(23/01/14): Unlicensed userCarlos Dionisio Aguirre requested help from staff and other volunteers to move this forward [ATLAS II Newsletter Wiki Page] [Transcript Page 6 Reference Page]
(13/01/14): Opened today. [Reference page]