Date: Thursday, 16 April 2020
Meeting Number: AL.EU/CC.1219/1
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English Conference ID = 3535
Zoom Room: / Password: 938464
EURALO Chair & Secretariat: Sébastien Bachollet & Natalia Filina
Ex-Officio: Erich Schweighofer, Yrjö Länsipuro, Andrei Kolesnikov, Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Roberto Gaetano
Dial out Participants: Olivier Crepin Leblond, Sebastien Bachollet, Natalia Filina, Anne-Marie Joly-Bachollet, Lutz Donnerhacke, Màté Mester, Ricardo Holmquist, Wale Bakare, Joanna Kulesza, Matthias Hudobnik, Erich Schweighofer, Yrjö Länsipuro, Roberto Gaetano
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Gisella Gruber, Silvia Vivanco, Michelle DeSmyter
Call Management: Michelle DeSmyter
Action Items: EN
Recording: EN
Transcript: ENEN
Zoom Chat: EN
- Roll call
- Review of AI (if any)
- How to organize the work on EuRalo Operation Rules Taskforce (EROR TF)
- Preparation of the EURALO monthly call (Tuesday, 21 April 2020 at 16:00 UTC for 60 minutes) – Proposed agenda
- Roll call - staff (2 minutes)
- Review of Actions Items - Sébastien Bachollet (3 minutes)
- ICANN67 feed back
- Preparation of ICANN68
- Possible consequences on the ICANN-At-Large-EURALO-ALAC engagement of the Covd-19 and EURALO Members Participation in current activities - Sébastien Bachollet (5min)
- At-Large Priority Activities 2020 - Sébastien Bachollet
- Outreach and Engagement Activities - Natalia Filina (4 minutes)
- Update Public Consultations - Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Co-Chair CPWG and Sébastien Bachollet (15 minutes)
- CROP and Other Fundings - Sébastien Bachollet, Olivier Crépin-Leblond (5min)
- EURALO Taskforces (5 minutes)
- EuRalo Operation Rules Taskforce (EROR TF) - Sébastien
- ALS Engagement Taskforce - Message to EURALO ALSes - Yrjö and Natalia
- Update on ALS Mobilization working party: EURALO Members: Natalia, Bastiaan, Roberto and Yrjö - Natalia (2 minutes)
- Next EURALO Call: 19 May 2020 at 16:00 UTC