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Report: AFRALO - Monthly Meeting


Apologies:Silvia Vivanco (staff)

Agenda  : https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/AFRALO/pages/104651336/2025-01-08+AFRALO+Monthly+Teleconference

1.Welcome remarks - (@Hadia Elminiawi)


@Hadia presented an overview of recent initiatives and ongoing discussions regarding opening public comments within ICANN. Below is a detailed summary of the key points addressed:

  • Ongoing or Pending Decisions

  • Review 

    • CPWG (Consolidated Policy Working Group):

4. Upcoming Public Comment Proceedings 


5. Reports/Updates/Items for discussion

  • AFRALO Capacity Building Group & Emerging Leaders Group

Establishment of a group of capacity building. Amina Ramallan will propose the Termes of Reference. Amina and Muriel are volunteers to be co-chairs.

  • AFRALO Emerging Leaders Group

Establishment of a group of emerging leaders. Pastor Peters will propose the Termes of Reference.

  • AFRALO Advisory Group (Name to be agreed upon)


  • Preparation of  ICANN 82 AFRALO-AFRICANN statement - ICANN82 Registration opened    - (Hervé HOUNZANDJI

Herve reminded the usual process to manage to.
He is going to send to the members the mail about the call of topics tomorrow. 


    1. Africa Engagement Forum
    2. Africa DNS Forum in the last quarter of 2025
  • Recent and upcoming ALAC activities (aziz.hilaliactivities )
      • @Bukola Oronti
        • ALAC  request a representative from each of the five regions for the ALAC Subcommittee on Appointment Selection (AASC) for 2025 (1 year term) and the new AFRALO representative is Kiza Patrick.
        • ALAC newly formed WG for Outreach and Engagement purposes known as ALAC Community Engagement Subcommittee (ACES) opened its call for membership and requested for each region to nominate a regional rep. The call was from 16th Dec 2024 to 3rd Jan 2025.
        • AtLarge ICANN82 Planning Committee call in preparation for the next ICANN meeting is still on. The next meeting is Monday at 17:00 UTC.
        • AtLarge is drafting a comment/statement on the CIP framework developed by the CIP-CCG which is already open for comments. We all as AtLarge are encouraged to read through the draft and provide our comments on it before it goes to the ALAC for ratification.
        • Ratified statements by ALAC since the last AFRALO monthly call:
          • Proposed Revisions to Community Anti-Harassment Policy. - 13th Dec 2024
          • Joint ALAC-SSAC Correspondence regarding Automated Delegation Signer (DS) Automation. - 23 Dec 2024.


    No ALAC updates. But Aziz was in IGF24. And according to him, in IGF24 meeting, ALS present on the ground have had a meeting with the new ICANN CEO. He also mentioned, many African ALS were present, many concerns about remote participation. IGF24 recommended Strengthening digital cooperation and sustainable development.

    Hadia proposed to organize a short 30-minute webinar (IGF24 ALS readout) on what At-Large has learned from it.

    Everyone (Aziz, Michel, Abdeldjalil, Tijani, ...) will be able to talk about what they have seen and heard.   Maybe AFRALO can do that with the other RALO. 

    • Recent and upcoming AFRALO/ALS  activities and Updates from Individual Members (All) 


    The NomCom is currently preparing itself to accept the applications. Today and tomorrow, we are being accustomed and trained on the platform the applicants will be using to send their applications and we will be working on the applications.

    To be read : 

    No updates.


    Following the message Herve sent to the community, Herve thanks those sent to Remmy some articles for the next newsletter. 

    6. AFRALO Membership Matters (Hervé HOUNZANDJI)

    Herve proposed to the community to create a special edition of our newsletter. This edition will be dedicated exclusively to showcasing information and updates from our ALS representatives.

    7. AOB

    With no other business being proposed, @Hadia closed the meeting by once again encouraging all members to actively participate in AFRALO activities.
