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Recording: EN
Transcript: ATLAS II Fayre of Opportunities 2014.02.26 Transcript
- Roll Call (1:00/1:00)* - Staff
- Agenda approval/changes (1:00/2:00) – Glenn McKnight
- Recapitulation (23:00/25:00) - Glenn McKnight
- Event Title: ATLAS II Fayre of Opportunities
- Purpose: Social Networking
- Among ALSs
- ALSs and the rest of the community
- Main Goals:
- Inform the wider public on what we do
- Learn from each other
- Room:
- Expected capacity: 300 people
- 5 showcase tables (one for each RALO) with small projectors & screens
- Ceremony: 20 minute max
- Welcome – 5 min
- Keynote – 15 min
- Food:
- Diverse: from all the regions
- Music: In the background
- Compilation from all regions
- In sync with a slideshow
- Memorabilia: TBD
- Budget: TBD
- Sponsorship: TBD
- Action Items (10:00/30:00) – All
- Next meeting -> 12/03/14 @ 17:00 UTC, 1 hr max
*(allotted time/running time)