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| English (EN)1. Welcome and intro - staff (2 minutes)2. Adoption of agenda, review of Action Items from 15 July - Olivier Crepin-Leblond (3 minutes)3. Workgroup UpdatesOngoing work by Small Team: Development of At-Large's Preliminary Scorecard on SubPro, inter alia for intersessional ALAC-GAC cooperation and At-Large participation in the GAC Focus Group on SubPro Schedule of Issues/Topics: Small Team Workplan Consensus Building: (a) Geographic Names - WT5 Final Report
Consensus Building for Next Meeting: (a) Objections - GAC Advice & GAC Early Warning only (b) Objections - Others (c) Limited Challenge/Appeal Mechanism Recently Ratified by the ALAC Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Regional Strategic Plan for FY2021-2025 LACRALO Statement The LACRALO statement was in response to the ICANN Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Regional Strategic Plan for FY2021-2025. As all LACRALO countries fall under the LAC Regional Plan, a diverse drafting team from the region provided feedback on strategy topics such as security, ICANN governance, unique identifiers system, geopolitics, and financials. ccNSO PDP3: Initial Proposals for Process to Retire ccTLDs As a whole, the ALAC supports the ccNSO PDP3. From an end user perspective, the ALAC suggested two points to be considered: 1) As a user of the Internet, the removal of a TLD will mean less likelihood for confusion as usually a ccTLD would be removed to make way for a new one. This enhances Trust in the domain name identifiers; 2) As a domain name registrant, the retirement of the ccTLD could pose a problem when correspondents are accustomed to use the "old" address using the obsolete ccTLD. Some companies have built a brand around the "old" ccTLD. Public Comment for Decision None Current Statements (ALAC Advice, Comment or Correspondence) The Consensus Playbook was updated and can be downloaded here: (also on At-Large PDP 3.0 Workspace5. Any other business (AOB) - Olivier Crepin-Leblond and all (3 minutes)See the Post-ICANN68 Policy Report here: and all (3 minutes)6. Next Meeting - Olivier Crepin-Leblond and staff (2 minutes)ResourcesSubsequent Procedures Scorecards- Applicant Support Program, v7 settled 5 May 2020
- Application Change Request, v1 settled 7 May 2020
- Role of Application Comment, v1 settled 7 May 2020
- String Similarity, v2 settled 7 May 2020
- Universal Acceptance, v4 settled 27 May 2020
- Internationalized Domain Names, v4 settled 28 May 2020
- Security and Stability, v2 settled 28 May 2020
- Name Collision, v2 settled 28 May 2020
- Reserved Names, v2 draft, 8 Jun 2020
- Community Applications, v4 draft, 10 Jun 2020
- At-Large Interventions on CBA and CPE, 11 Jun 2020
- Revised CPE Guidelines - A Proposal by At-Large, 11 Jun 2020
Go to: SubPro Updates Workspace for other Updates to Issues/Topics under Deliberation by the SubPro PDP WG For a progress report see: At-Large Scorecard Topic List, 10 June 2020 |
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| Español (ES)1. Bienvenida y asistencia - staff (2 minutos)2. Adopcion de la Agenda, revision de los Acciones a partir del 15 de julio - Olivier Crepin-Leblond (3 minutos)3. Actualizaciones de grupo de trabajo- Actualización de la Fase II del EPDP - Hadia Elminiawi y Alan Greenberg (15 minutos)
- Procedimientos posteriores ("SubPro") - Marita Moll Justine Chew (30 minutos)
Trabajo en curso del equipo pequeño ("Small Team"): desarrollo del cuadro de mando preliminar de At-Large en SubPro, entre otras cosas para la cooperación entre sesiones ALAC-GAC y la participación de At-Large en el Grupo de enfoque GAC sobre SubPro Calendario de problemas / temas sujeto: Plan de trabajo de equipo pequeño La creación de consenso: (a) Geographic Names - WT5 Final Report
La creación de consenso - por próxima reunion: (a) Objections - GAC Advice & GAC Early Warning only (b) Objections - Others (c) Limited Challenge/Appeal Mechanism
4. Actualizaciones de comentarios sobre políticas - Jonathan Zuck, Evin Erdoğdu, miembro (s) del equipo de redacción y todos (10 minutos)Recientemente Ratificados por el ALAC Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Regional Strategic Plan for FY2021-2025 LACRALO Statement The LACRALO statement was in response to the ICANN Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Regional Strategic Plan for FY2021-2025. As all LACRALO countries fall under the LAC Regional Plan, a diverse drafting team from the region provided feedback on strategy topics such as security, ICANN governance, unique identifiers system, geopolitics, and financials. ccNSO PDP3: Initial Proposals for Process to Retire ccTLDs As a whole, the ALAC supports the ccNSO PDP3. From an end user perspective, the ALAC suggested two points to be considered: 1) As a user of the Internet, the removal of a TLD will mean less likelihood for confusion as usually a ccTLD would be removed to make way for a new one. This enhances Trust in the domain name identifiers; 2) As a domain name registrant, the retirement of the ccTLD could pose a problem when correspondents are accustomed to use the "old" address using the obsolete ccTLD. Some companies have built a brand around the "old" ccTLD. Comentarios Publicos para decision Ninguno Declaracion actual (Consejo del ALAC, Comentario o Correspondencia) 5. Otros temas (AOB) - Olivier Crepin-Leblond y todos (3 minutos)Consulte el Informe de política posterior a la ICANN68 aquí: Consensus Playbook se actualizó y se puede descargar aquí: (también en At-Large PDP 3.0 Workspace5. Otros temas (AOB) - Olivier Crepin-Leblond y todos (3 minutos)6. Próxima reunion - Olivier Crepin-Leblond y staff (2 minutos) ResourcesSubPro Cuadros de mando - Applicant Support Program, v7 settled 5 May 2020
- Application Change Request, v1 settled 7 May 2020
- Role of Application Comment, v1 settled 7 May 2020
- String Similarity, v2 settled 7 May 2020
- Universal Acceptance, v4 settled 27 May 2020
- Internationalized Domain Names, v4 settled 28 May 2020
- Security and Stability, v2 settled 28 May 2020
- Name Collision, v2 settled 28 May 2020
- Reserved Names, v2 draft, 8 Jun 2020
- Community Applications, v4 draft, 10 Jun 2020
- At-Large Interventions on CBA and CPE, 11 Jun 2020
- Revised CPE Guidelines - A Proposal by At-Large, 11 Jun 2020
Ver: SubPro Updates Workspace para actualizaciones de temas / temas bajo deliberación por los procedimientos posteriores PDP WG Para ver un informe de progreso, consulte: Lista de temas del cuadro de mando de At-Large, 10 junio de 2020
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| Français (FR) 1. Accueil et appel nominal - personnel (2 minutes)2. Adoption de l'ordre du jour, examen des points d'action à partir du 15 juillet - Olivier Crepin-Leblond (3 minutes)3. Mises à jour du groupe de travail - Mise à jour EPDP Phase II - Hadia Elminiawi et Alan Greenberg (15 minutes)
- Procédures suivantes ("SubPro") - Marita Moll Justine Chew (30 minutes)
Travaux en cours par une petite équipe: élaboration du tableau de bord préliminaire d'At-Large sur SubPro, notamment pour la coopération intersessions ALAC-GAC et participation d'At-Large au groupe de discussion du GAC sur SubPro. Calendrier des problèmes / sujets soumis: Plan de travail en petite équipe Établissement d'un consensus: (a) Geographic Names - WT5 Final Report
Établissement d'un consensus - pour prochaine réunion: (a) Objections - GAC Advice & GAC Early Warning only (b) Objections - Others (c) Limited Challenge/Appeal Mechanism Récemment ratifié par l'ALAC Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Regional Strategic Plan for FY2021-2025 LACRALO Statement The LACRALO statement was in response to the ICANN Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Regional Strategic Plan for FY2021-2025. As all LACRALO countries fall under the LAC Regional Plan, a diverse drafting team from the region provided feedback on strategy topics such as security, ICANN governance, unique identifiers system, geopolitics, and financials. ccNSO PDP3: Initial Proposals for Process to Retire ccTLDs As a whole, the ALAC supports the ccNSO PDP3. From an end user perspective, the ALAC suggested two points to be considered: 1) As a user of the Internet, the removal of a TLD will mean less likelihood for confusion as usually a ccTLD would be removed to make way for a new one. This enhances Trust in the domain name identifiers; 2) As a domain name registrant, the retirement of the ccTLD could pose a problem when correspondents are accustomed to use the "old" address using the obsolete ccTLD. Some companies have built a brand around the "old" ccTLD. Commentaire public pour décision Non Déclarations actuelles (avis, commentaires ou correspondance de l'ALAC) 5. Toute autre affaire (AOB) - Olivier Crepin-Leblond et tous (3 minutes)Voir le rapport de politique post-ICANN68 ici: Consensus Playbook a été mis à jour et peut être téléchargé ici: (également sur At-Large PDP 3.0 Workspace5. Toute autre affaire (AOB) - Olivier Crepin-Leblond et tous (3 minutes)6. Prochaine réunion - Olivier Crepin-Leblond et le personnel (2 minutes)ResourcesSubPro Cartes de pointage - Applicant Support Program, v7 settled 5 May 2020
- Application Change Request, v1 settled 7 May 2020
- Role of Application Comment, v1 settled 7 May 2020
- String Similarity, v2 settled 7 May 2020
- Universal Acceptance, v4 settled 27 May 2020
- Internationalized Domain Names, v4 settled 28 May 2020
- Security and Stability, v2 settled 28 May 2020
- Name Collision, v2 settled 28 May 2020
- Reserved Names, v2 draft, 8 Jun 2020
- Community Applications, v4 draft, 10 Jun 2020
- At-Large Interventions on CBA and CPE, 11 Jun 2020
- Revised CPE Guidelines - A Proposal by At-Large, 11 Jun 2020
Aller à: Espace de travail des mises à jour de SubPro pour d'autres mises à jour de problèmes / sujets sous délibération par le groupe de travail SubPro PDP Pour un rapport d'étape, voir: At-Large Scorecard Topic List, 10 juin 2020