- Discussion to be held with Xavier Calvez, robert.faris janice.lange and rinalia.abdulrahim during the process of submission and review.
- CCWG on Accountabilty implementation to be taken into account in the requests.
- Heidi Ullrich to follow up on the details of Principle item 22 (esp. as it relates to WG members and
- Heidi Ullrich to send a message to the FBSC members outlining the message they should send and the next steps.
- 5 members/participants of the FBSC to be CROPP reps.
- Alan Greenberg to add the item of the CROPP to the next FBSC meeting.
- Gisella Gruber to schedule the next FBSC call to take place the week of 25 January time set by doodle. Xavier Calvez, Rob Hoggarth and Janice Douma Lange to be invited.