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15:35:04 From Yesim Nazlar : Welcome to At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group Call taking place on Wednesday, 22 January 2020 at 13:00 UTC.
15:35:44 From Yesim Nazlar : Agenda:
15:46:02 From Captioner : Hello! Please give me captioning privs.
15:46:49 From Captioner : Thank you!
15:46:59 From Yesim Nazlar : pleasure! :) and welcome
15:59:48 From Priyatosh Jana : Hi everyone..
16:00:19 From Kristina Hakobyan : hello everyone)
16:00:29 From Roberto : Hi all
16:00:33 From Amrita : Hi All
16:01:14 From Desara Dushi : Hi everyone
16:03:05 From Hadia Elminiawi : Hi all
16:03:47 From Yesim Nazlar : RTT: []
16:03:58 From Heidi Ullrich : Welcome, All.
16:04:09 From Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR) : Saludos a todos. / Hello to all!
16:04:33 From Aris Ignacio : Hello everyone!
16:08:16 From Roberto : Am I the only one who hears León’s voice coming and going?
16:08:50 From Holly Raiche : @ Roberto - agreed, it’s not the best reception
16:09:14 From Roberto : @Holly - thanks
16:09:22 From Sonigitu Ekpe : Good day All, sorry for being late.
16:10:45 From Holly Raiche : In the letter to the Board, we had specific recommendations including what JZ is mentioning - questions for the Board in Cancun?
16:12:27 From Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR) : @Holly, I completely agree with your suggestion. Probably even ask for steps taken by when we meet in Cancun.
16:13:39 From Holly Raiche : @ Alfredo - agreed. From the letter, there is a list of things we want and need to press for at Cancun
16:14:06 From Leon Sanchez : thanks everyone!
16:14:11 From Leon Sanchez : see you soon!
16:14:26 From Leon Sanchez : I will show up at the demonstration
16:14:33 From Leon Sanchez : I want to hear directly from people demonstrating
16:14:35 From Leon Sanchez : bye all!
16:14:51 From Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR) : @Leon, safe travels.
16:14:55 From Evin Erdoğdu : Thank you Leon!
16:15:18 From Hadia Elminiawi : safe travels Leon
16:16:35 From Jonathan Zuck : Thought we HAD reached a bit of consensus on those questions last call?
16:17:09 From Holly Raiche : @ JZ - so should the questions have been noted in the Minutes?
16:18:31 From Yesim Nazlar : @Hadia: Sorry - still nothing received
16:18:32 From Marita Moll : @Jonathan -- we had taken the temperature of the room. No harm in hearing some more views on the issue if we have time
16:19:37 From Holly Raiche : @ Marita - if we don’t have time, maybe an email asking for any further input?
16:21:46 From Jonathan Zuck : @Marita/Holly - definitely. I was trying to recall where we left it
16:23:39 From Holly Raiche : @ Alan - sounds hopeful
16:24:27 From Jonathan Zuck : Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
16:25:04 From Holly Raiche : Shall we send them a sympathy card?
16:27:39 From Holly Raiche : What does the SSAD stand for?
16:27:44 From Marita Moll : @Jonathan/Holly -- I have asked if last week's sldes can be available to remind us where we left off.
16:29:40 From Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR) : It seems we the group is looking at a number of headcounts and resources within ICANN. I guess that at this stage the financial impact is not under consideration. Am I correct?
16:33:22 From Holly Raiche : This seems to be a hybrid model of centralized gateway and then EITHER an automated response or, in the unusual circumstances, the contracted parties are the decision makers’
16:33:50 From Hadia Elminiawi : +1 alan It is not about shifting the liability it is about responsibilities and thus the associated liabilities
16:34:14 From Holly Raiche : Thanks Alan
16:35:50 From Hadia Elminiawi : +1 Olivier
16:36:03 From Amrita : Agree with you Olivier
16:36:13 From Roberto : +1 OCL
16:37:40 From Hadia Elminiawi : SSAD - System for Standardized Access/Disclosure
16:38:04 From Vrikson Acosta : Hello:) Sorry I'm late. Internet issue :(
16:38:48 From Hadia Elminiawi : Sorry I was at the ArabIGF and rushed to our CPWG call
16:39:51 From Alan Greenberg : I now have 3 copies of the Hadia's presentation in my in-box. Slight slowdown of the Internet...
16:40:23 From Yeseul Kim : @Hadia saw several photos of Arab IGF. Wish Nadira can also join us soon if her session also has ended.
16:40:56 From Hadia Elminiawi : @Alan sorry for that
16:41:18 From Hadia Elminiawi : Apologies to staff too
16:44:25 From Hadia Elminiawi : @Yeseul yes I saw Nadira this morning
16:45:05 From avri doria : Note, to join NPOC, one has to join NCSG first.
16:45:10 From Amrita : For end users I guess even cost is an issue especially in developing nations
16:45:59 From Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR) : Recent NPR conversation with Andrew Sullivan, Esther Dyson and Nora Abussita-Ouri, with some questions by Internet End-Users with .ORG domains. -
16:46:40 From Yeseul Kim : @Amrita concern for the possible rise in price has been widely discussed already in other arenas but yes, that can also be counted in I think.
16:47:06 From Yeseul Kim : And @Hadia congrats for the 5th Arab IGF. Must have been a lot of works.
16:47:36 From Amrita : questions: Take downs would have local jurisdictions. How would that be taken into consideration
16:48:12 From Hadia Elminiawi : @Yeseul -thank you but it is not my work I just went for a couple of hours in the morning
16:48:42 From Marita Moll : +1 @Alan -- I don't see how this fits in here
16:49:01 From Roberto : I think that about the cost is not just the amount - which can be extremely relevant in developing countries - but also where the money ends up (with the previous situation part of it was going to ISOC, no longer the case)
16:49:25 From Roberto : And this is a concern also for folks in the developed countries
16:49:43 From Yeseul Kim : +1 @ Roberto
16:52:21 From Lutz Donnerhacke : Back from an other meeting. :-/
16:52:23 From Roberto : Of course censorship can apply also to other categories and in other TLDs, but we care about a “Public Interest Registry” operating in the public interest. We have no power on others
16:53:48 From Judith Hellerstein : it is not right than anyone can join npoc, only organizations can join. not individuals
16:54:05 From Jonathan Zuck : That’s what I said @Judith
16:54:41 From shreedeep rayamajhi : +1 judith
16:55:00 From Roberto : @ JZ - correct, but not what Web said
16:55:24 From Roberto : not Web - but Seb - damn corrector!
16:56:53 From Holly Raiche : I think the concern was about things like cost of domain names??
16:57:01 From Chokri Ben Romdhane : Hi all
16:59:51 From Amrita : yes Holly
16:59:52 From Sebastien Bachollet : But the cost of the DN is just a drop in developing a web site
17:00:40 From Yeseul Kim : Concerning the cost issue, I think what Roberto mentioned - how the profits will be used - will be more important than the possibility of future price increase.
17:01:13 From Kristina Hakobyan : I’m very sorry, I should leave the meeting) thanks to all, see you.
17:02:52 From Yeseul Kim : And at least for now, the Ethos capital has promised to limit the cost rise to 10 percent which will be not be that huge amount as Sebastien pointed out.
17:03:05 From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO : No only that. Ethos seems to be a shell corporation
17:03:13 From Yeseul Kim : But we can be concerned about the possible price rise in the long run, again.
17:03:30 From Roberto : +1 Marita - that’s the key of the issue
17:07:24 From Hadia Elminiawi : Marita the sound is breaking
17:07:34 From Alan Greenberg : Sound very bad from Holly.
17:07:43 From Marita Moll : Should these not apply to all contracts ?
17:08:30 From Marita Moll : That seems reasonable to me
17:08:32 From Hadia Elminiawi : Apologies - I meant Holly's sound was breaking
17:09:32 From Holly Raiche : These are the points that can form part of the follow up with the letter to the Board
17:09:49 From Roberto : @ Alan - but PIR listened to the voice of the community and changed the approach
17:10:39 From Roberto : The point is whether PIR has a link with the community or not - whether it listens or ignores the community
17:11:17 From Alan Greenberg : Roberto, I fully agree. I was just pointing out that things are not completely black and white.
17:11:42 From Marita Moll : @Jonathon -- I agree with changes to the contract we can agree on but we have to deal with nailing down what this corporation should look like
17:13:50 From Jonathan Zuck : @Marita, there’s consensus on the ALAC that we should focus on the contract because there isn’t really anything we can count on from a type of corporation. The only way to try and enforce a public interest is via the contract
17:14:28 From Jonathan Zuck : But @Marita, we can discuss the non-profit thing at the end but there’s very little appetite to outright block the sale
17:19:29 From Roberto : I don’t know what the best way is - but I am convinced about the result that we need
17:20:43 From Holly Raiche : We can ask that there be a Board member with public interest perspectives - BUT remember, the ultimate responsibility of a member of a Board is to the company
17:21:19 From Marita Moll : exactly @Holly -- so it has to go further than that.
17:21:28 From Satish Babu : Apart from the Board, there's also the Stewardship Council that's specifically mandated with complying with the Global Public Interest considerations.
17:22:15 From Roberto : @ Holly - yes, in principle. But if we think that, why did we ask for a seat on the ICANN Board? Isn’t that the same thing?
17:22:22 From Holly Raiche : @ Satish - the next question is the authority that the Stewardship Council has - and if it’s only to provide advice, is that sufficient??
17:23:57 From Roberto : @ Satish - the Stewardship Council will be most probably mimicking the current Advisory Council - appointed by the PIR Board and only advisory
17:24:19 From Satish Babu : @Holly, since the SC has a specific mandate, I'd assume its recommendations will be hard to ignore... but we haven't seen any further details on it.
17:24:49 From Sebastien Bachollet : It seems that we will have no time to discuss Auction Proceeds and ATRT3? :(
17:25:47 From shreedeep rayamajhi : with an end-user concept I think we have to facilitate the process with public interest in the contract. because ultimately it was part of a business ....
17:26:21 From Judith Hellerstein : that is fine since Maureen is traveling and could not make the call in the end and Vanda is an apology.
17:26:39 From Judith Hellerstein : also Isoc pir has an earlier end date
17:26:41 From Satish Babu : @Roberto, just that we should also consider the SC as one of the structures where we should have a presence.
17:26:41 From Amrita : Apologies everyone, I will have to leave the call now
17:26:41 From Roberto : @ Satish - that could work only if the community has control on how the SC is selected
17:27:10 From Marita Moll : We need to make our position tough enough to make a difference -- contingent on how that company looks/acts toward the public interest
17:27:20 From Roberto : Besides, one thing will complement the other - a Board member can make the case of the SC advice
17:27:47 From Satish Babu : @Roberto: Agree.
17:29:53 From Yeseul Kim : @Zak I do not necessarily think that it’s a threat, but it’s a fraternal obligation of ICANN to review the sales of any TLD - though this is not ‘legally’ correct.
17:30:34 From Holly Raiche : Someone should mute their mic
17:30:50 From Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR) : Have to leave at this time due to another engagement. Bye to all!
17:34:59 From Marita Moll : Thanks for the work on this. It is a tough one.
17:35:48 From Yeseul Kim : Thanks for the slides Jonathan.
17:36:02 From Judith Hellerstein : I can go next week as there is no time this week
17:36:21 From Marita Moll : I can take the MSM portion to the list
17:39:12 From Holly Raiche : Leaving call now - for discussions next week,
17:39:15 From Sebastien Bachollet : OK thanks JZ
17:42:31 From Chokri Ben Romdhane : Thank you all
17:43:25 From Alan Greenberg : @Yrjo, please include me in the PSWG discussions.
17:43:26 From Aris Ignacio : thanks a lot to all..
17:43:29 From Roberto : Bye all
17:43:30 From Hadia Elminiawi : Thank you all
17:43:31 From Evin Erdoğdu : Thank you all!
17:43:32 From Satish Babu : Thanks and bye!
17:43:38 From Marita Moll : bye all
17:43:45 From Yrjo Lansipuro : Yes Alan
17:43:46 From Lutz Donnerhacke : Thank youe
17:43:46 From Isaac Maposa : Bye all
17:43:50 From avri doria : bye, thanks