Yesim Nazlar:Welcome to the ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement Call on Thursday, 15 December 2016 at 16:00 UTC
Yesim Nazlar:Agenda:
Maureen Hilyard:Its still a little early.. but hi everyone
Yesim Nazlar:Welcome Maureen!
Bartlett Morgan (BIPA - Barbados):Hello everyone
John Laprise:Good morning all
Yesim Nazlar:Welcome Bartlett
John Laprise:echo Glenn
John Laprise:better
Javier Rua-Jovet:Hello to all!
Javier Rua-Jovet:Im in the apologies list, but Im here
Maureen Hilyard:Hi Javier - yes I see that :)
Javier Rua-Jovet:I thought I was going to be unable, but my schedule got freed up.
Javier Rua-Jovet:Im on the English Channel
Maureen Hilyard:On the high seas?
Javier Rua-Jovet:hahah
Javier Rua-Jovet:I wish
Maureen Hilyard:Im here Glenn..
Maureen Hilyard:I'll do that!
Satish Babu:Yes.
Javier Rua-Jovet:perfectly
Janice Douma Lange:sorry Glenn - trying to dial in
Bartlett Morgan (BIPA - Barbados):oops, sent the wrong link earlier
Satish Babu:I agree, Glenn
Satish Babu:We need to coordinate better...
Maureen Hilyard:Sorry my phone audio obviously isn't working..
Yubelkys:Greetings to all
Maureen Hilyard:We had asked for brochures to be sent to the ICANN booth but there were none
John Laprise:A global CROPP set aside? Designated slots for IGF from each of the RALOs
Silvia Vivanco:@ Maureen, the APRALO brochures were shipped to Satish as you may recall and I believe he took some to Mexico.
Glenn McKnight:Oliver, Alan, Glenn, Maureen, Gunella, Dev, Satish and perhaps more
Javier Rua-Jovet:Hola Ybelkys!!
Glenn McKnight:Welcome ybelkys
Javier Rua-Jovet:Yubelkys! (sorry 4 typo)
Satish Babu:@Silvia, the brochures were available at the APRALO workshop session. However, they were available at a common place together with other RALO brochures...
Glenn McKnight:one minute
Satish Babu:*not* available...
Yubelkys:Hola Javier
Yubelkys:thanks Glenn
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you for this clarification Satish.
Maureen Hilyard:I arrived in Mexico late, and all the brochures could have gone by then..
Adam Peake:NCUC had a lot of people on site who were able to stay in their booth. And they funded one person from their own (non-ICANN) funds to support someone who spent quite a lot of time in the booth.
Adam Peake:It is quite a thankless task to take care of the booth for hours.
Adam Peake:But was quite effective
Maureen Hilyard:@Adam.. I think that if you have a booth you do have to have someone there in order to be effective
Adam Peake::-)
Adam Peake:I mean they were able to talk to a lot of people, and I believe found 15+ new members.
Maureen Hilyard:@John.. in the past we have organised a booth schedule. Janice knows all about this because she does it at every ICANN Meeting for the Fellows
Yubelkys:now is ok
Bartlett Morgan (BIPA - Barbados):i support John's sentiments
Satish Babu:<no audio>
Adam Peake:by "non-icann" funds I mean NCUC talks to donors, etc and develops its own resourses. They spend their own money.
Maureen Hilyard:My audio seems to be on the blink.. but we had audio issues at the APRALO meeting last night - its an adobe thing!
John Laprise:@MaureenIf we've done it in the past, why did we fall down?
Satish Babu:+1 for trying for an At-Large delegation to IGFs in future (instead of a bunch of individual attendees)
John Laprise:I would think that we could strive for more than 15 members at an IGF!
Maureen Hilyard:@John... I was part of the ICANN booth in Bali, and it was a pretty inclusive team and I had the job of doing the supervisory schedule. I am not sure who was doing it in Mexico
Adam Peake:I do not know if they were indviduals or organisations. NCUC accepts inviduals as members.
Jean-Jacques Sahel:Hello everyone !
John Laprise:I appreciate that Maureen; I just think that it should be formalized.
John Laprise:It's a priority.
Maureen Hilyard:Agre
Maureen Hilyard:agree
renata aquino:hi sorry flimsy connection.
renata aquino:next
John Laprise:Copenhagen: make sure that members with issue responsibilities are able to get to their sessions
renata aquino:next igf would be good to have more folks in bpfs
Isaac Maposa:Hi Everyone
Isaac Maposa:Sorry had put up a tentative apology, didn't think will make it
Glenn McKnight:Hi Isacc can you speak about the Onboarding session
Isaac Maposa:Ok, no problem.
Silvia Vivanco:EURALO held a joint CS event in Dublin in cooperation with Jean Jacques
Janice Douma Lange:Are there statistics from Morocco outreach that the investment and resources led to engagement?
Adam Peake:Could you connect the local Danish ALS with Jean-Jacques and me. Thanks.
Maureen Hilyard:@Janice. Satish Holly and I will chase up those kind of stats from our outreach programme as well.
Silvia Vivanco:@ Glenn one NGO from Morrocco joined At-Large as a result of Morrocco outreach efforts
Maureen Hilyard:Audio seems to have dropped from phone bridge. I can hear but can't be heard.
Glenn McKnight:Thanks Silvia
renata aquino:bpfs best practices forum year long igf work
renata aquino:also no audio could be me sorting out
Janice Douma Lange:ICANN58 Fellows have not been announced - pending date is Monday the 19th
Yubelkys:I am interested in participated. I sent an email to Glenn. Should I need to do anything sleeve
Janice Douma Lange:i think coordination with JJ and Adam could benefit you in finding opportunities as well - but I definitely will keep thinking on this Olivier
Glenn McKnight:Yubelkys what do you mean?
Yubelkys:to participate of the 58 ICANN assembly
Yubelkys:did you received my email?
Glenn McKnight:i will check
Yubelkys:I sent it on Monday
Satish Babu:We are planning a Hyderabad-style outreach for ICANN60
Satish Babu:Things are being planned...will get back with details later...
Maureen Hilyard:My audio still isn't working.. sorry
renata aquino:mine is back.
renata aquino:satish great idea
Bartlett Morgan (BIPA - Barbados):did Glenn say RIR or RAR?
Satish Babu:Thanks @Renata!
Glenn McKnight:RIR
Bartlett Morgan (BIPA - Barbados):ok thanks
Glenn McKnight:Note the ARIN fellowship is available 5 per region
Maureen Hilyard:I think that in Hyderabad with the four capacity building sessions that we took with the general internal community as well as external - the social showcase was something extra in the area of outreach - it wasn't the only one!
Isaac Maposa:Can you hear me
Isaac Maposa:Am on Adobe
Silvia Vivanco:no we cannot hear you
Yubelkys:I do
Glenn McKnight:please type the details
Bartlett Morgan (BIPA - Barbados):@Renata great. Can you send a link?
Janice Douma Lange:we can add the onboarding to the next outreach call for Isaac and I to provide an update of ICANN57 as well as plan for ICANN58
Glenn McKnight:yes
Maureen Hilyard:Good idea Janice.. we are a little short of time.
Isaac Maposa:Ok, not a problem
Maureen Hilyard:It would mean that Isaac and Beran can give us a full presentation - sounds interesting :)
renata aquino:tks for the opportunity will have a link to share soon.
renata aquino:tks glenn
renata aquino:old hand sorry
Isaac Maposa:Ok
Isaac Maposa:Don't know what's happening with my phone.
Javier Rua-Jovet:Ciao
Satish Babu:Thanks and Good Day!
Isaac Maposa:Thanks everyone
Maureen Hilyard:You and me Isaac... not sure
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you all
Alfredo Calderon:bye
Glenn McKnight:bye all
Silvia Vivanco:bye
Maritza Aguero:bye
Maureen Hilyard:Bye all
Ali AlMeshal:bye
Isaac Maposa:Bye
renata aquino:bye tks