Yesim Nazlar:Welcome to the Finance & Budget Sub. Committee (FBSC) Call held on Wednesday, 24 August 2016 at 14:00 UTC
Yesim Nazlar:Agenda:
Yesim Nazlar:Welcome Tijani!
Heidi Ullrich:Hi All, the FY17 Special Request Implementation Workspace is at:
Heidi Ullrich:This call will be reviewing the At-Large FY17 Special Requests.
Maureen Hilyard:Hi Kaili
Maureen Hilyard:Hi Ali
Ali AlMeshal:Hi Maureen how are you
Robert Hoggarth:Good day everyone!
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:hello -- please unsync agenda. Thanks!
Yesim Nazlar:pleasure
Glenn McKnight:I assume this session is on Wednesday
judith hellerstein:OK Saturday is the date for it
Glenn McKnight:which day?
judith hellerstein:oh so it is on day 1
judith hellerstein:+1 Sebastien
judith hellerstein:+1 alan
Yesim Nazlar:Wafa Dahmani has joined
Yesim Nazlar:welcome Wafa!
Wafa Dahmani:welcom Yesim
Wafa Dahmani:thank you
judith hellerstein:the wrap up cocktail is set for nov 9
Silvia Vivanco:We are gathering data for the Captioning Metrics pilot 1
judith hellerstein:Who are the people coming to Hyderabad on these two slots
judith hellerstein:Is it the same as we appointed last time
Ali AlMeshal:sorry i would need to leave adobe room becasue i will be driving , but i will be on the call
Yesim Nazlar:Thanks for letting us know Ali
Glenn McKnight:What is the process of applying for the local RALO funds?
Glenn McKnight:for example the ARIN on the Road in Waterloo, Ontario could have local ALS attend if expenses covered? in Sept
Glenn McKnight:It should be integrated into the Outreach and Engagement local strategy
Glenn McKnight:This has been NARALO view for a long time that local discretionary funds are needed
Maureen Hilyard:Spreading $2000 across the activities of all of APRALO (for example) when we are encouraging ALSes to include promotion of ICANN sessions into their events, is spreading it really thinly
Maureen Hilyard:Oureach and Engagement makes sense
Glenn McKnight:Outreach and Engagement is meeting on Monday at 1700 utc we can add this to the agenda
judith hellerstein:In the US we do not have any help as well
judith hellerstein:GSE funds what they want to fund without consulting us
judith hellerstein:as RALO leaders
Silvia Vivanco:@ Judith GSE has its own funds which they spend according to their projects, this is in additon to those funds
judith hellerstein:oh great so the 2000 is just for NARALO to use and is separate from those funds
Maureen Hilyard:Maybe there needs to be some clarification about how these funds can be used, because requests have been turned down.
judith hellerstein:thanks for letting us know
Glenn McKnight:We had the developer on the last TTF call
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Yes, there appears to have been no improvement on the translation, sadly ...
Glenn McKnight:they took forever to hire someone.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:and yet, for some reason, Google trasnlate works... It is really strange.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:itis strange because the tool apparently is based on Google translate.... anyway...
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:maybe a diffence between Google Translate on the Web and Google translate API
Glenn McKnight:Note: Satish has organized a First Indian School of IE. I will be filming all the sessions and will be posted on Youtube
Glenn McKnight:NARALO GA will be at the RIR - ARIN session in New Orleans in April
Glenn McKnight:We set up a TRELLO to share on the project management as well
Glenn McKnight:Yes
Glenn McKnight:we have people interested as faciliators
Glenn McKnight:We have sponsorship from ISOC and ARIN
Glenn McKnight:wellcome
Glenn McKnight:Chris Tacit is doing two sessions
Glenn McKnight:correct
Glenn McKnight:we are very active in communication with them
Glenn McKnight:Alan, Judith and I will also be shadowing her
Maureen Hilyard:Thanks for this consideration Alan, but we have a strong RALO leadership team who can assist
Glenn McKnight:in a positive way :) not creepy
Maureen Hilyard:thanks everyone. Bye
Allan Skuce:bye
Heidi Ullrich 2:Thanks!
Kaili Kan:Bye
Yesim Nazlar:Thank you all