- Ariel Liang to lock the ALAC doc (drafted by Alan) on Friday 3 March. Alan Greenberg to integrate all inputs over the weekend and produce a new version by Monday 6 March for commenting.
- Olivier Crépin-Leblond to send a reminder on the RALO doc to solicit further input; Ariel to lock the RALO doc on Monday 6 March (freezing/thawing/freezing/thawing)
- In the Copenhagen 3-hr session, Alan Greenberg, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, holly.raiche, Olivier Crépin-Leblond, leon.sanchez, Sarah K, Maureen (with Heidi/Ariel supporting) to work on the final editing of the ALAC and RALO comments on the draft report
- RALOs to use an appropriate mechanism for ratifying the RALO comment on the At-Large Review Draft Report (e.g. vote)
- Lars Hoffmann to inform the WP when the new workshop time has been confirmed (11:00-12:45 on Monday)