Adobe Connect Link: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/whoissdt/
Wiki page: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/WSDT/Home
- Agenda Bashing (2 Min)
- Review Previous Week Action Items (15 Min)
- All Open Actions Reviewed & Closed
- Review response to GNSO Council for WHOIS Access Recommendation from RAP (5 Min)
- Expected Outcome: Approved Final Response Letter
- Determine meeting need for Costa Rica Meeting - March
- Review WHOIS Requirements Survey Question Assignments (60 Min)
- Expected Outcome: Draft #1 of Survey Questionnaire
- New Business (5 Min)
- Review of Assigned Action Items (3 Min)
Susan Prosser - RrSG
Michael Young - Individual
Don Blumenthal – Ry
Steve Metalitz - IPC
Anne Naffziger – IPC
Avri Doria - NCSG
Rafik Dammak - NCUC
Stephen Van Egmond - Individual
Liz Gasster
Berry Cobb
Nathalie Peregrine
Wendy Seltzer - ALAC
Paul Brigner
New Action Items:
- Berry - 13 JAN - Request Public Session for Costa Rica Meeting Schedule / WSWG Road Show across SOs & ACs
- Berry - 9 JAN - Send Doodle poll to determine WSWG attendance at Costa Rica Meeting - COMPLETE
- Susan - 18 JAN - Complete Survey Respondent Profile questions for beginning of survey
- WSWG/ALL - 23 JAN - Search/collaborate/brainstorm for ideas on how to best handle comments within survey
- WSWG/ALL - 18 JAN - Complete new or revise existing Survey Question Requirement Assignments; submit draft questions to Berry
- Wilson - 23 JAN - Two actions
- Provide guidance on survey question structure and form of questions (listen to mp3/review draft to understand variance)
- Determine if online tool will have capability to link to or mouse hover comment additional information a respondent may need to understand question
- Berry - 20 JAN - Compile draft v0.3 Survey Questions from WSWG Requirement Assignments