Nathalie Peregrine:Dear all, welcome to the Singapore Showcase OC call on the 4th December 2013
Nathalie Peregrine:Agenda page:
Siranush Vardanyan:hello Nathalie and Silvia :)
Nathalie Peregrine:Hello Siranush!
Silvia Vivanco:Hello Siranush!
Ali AlMeshal:hi everyone
Siranush Vardanyan:hi, Ali, welcome to the call
Ali AlMeshal:hi Siranush
Silvia Vivanco:Welcome Ali
Siranush Vardanyan:doing better (have awful flu, waiting for the call to be able to talk :)
Siranush Vardanyan:that would be great statistic to be included in the video
Siranush Vardanyan:Silvia, we need only the number of ALSs for each period, don't think it is not allowed
Ali AlMeshal:OMG Siranush, hope you will be fine soon
Maureen Hilyard:just connecting my audio
Maureen Hilyard:Silvia.. did you get Emani's phone number to call him?
Nathalie Peregrine:@ Maureen yes we did
Nathalie Peregrine:Where is Emani located??
Maureen Hilyard:We will be in the middle of our summber - 30+ degrees in Dec
Maureen Hilyard:Emani is in Niue
Nathalie Peregrine:thanks
Siranush Vardanyan:lucky you, Maureen:)
Siranush Vardanyan:Ali will come to Yerevan and I will come to you, Maureen :)
Maureen Hilyard:Good idea
Ali AlMeshal:i would love to Siranush
Ali AlMeshal:looking for the Snow weather
Siranush Vardanyan:come, come, Ali
Siranush Vardanyan:welcome, Lianna
Lianna Galstyan:Hi everyone!
Ali AlMeshal:Hi Lianna
Lianna Galstyan:the connection is interrupting
Maureen Hilyard:Are we as a region responsible for sponsorship?
Nathalie Peregrine:Lianna, we can dial out to you if you would prefer?
Maureen Hilyard:Can't you hear me ?
Silvia Vivanco:no
Ali AlMeshal:no
Silvia Vivanco:are you muted?
Nathalie Peregrine:She is not on mute on the audio bridge
Maureen Hilyard:not working... ok I will type...
Maureen Hilyard:Ali and I will be talking to ALSes we can ask who is coming
Lianna Galstyan:Natalie, this is always a problem for me, all our meeting time is my working hours and unvortunately I cannot talk
Maureen Hilyard:yes.. can you ring me at +682 54641
Maureen Hilyard:I have the list of ALSes and email addresses
Silvia Vivanco:I will note it as AI Maureen
Nathalie Peregrine:We are dialling out to you Maureen
Maureen Hilyard:Yes
Ali AlMeshal:Thanks Maureen for raising this
Siranush Vardanyan:thanks, Maureen
Lianna Galstyan:I have a question regarding the video Emani is leading. Will he only prepare it as a pure video or it can be done like a flash or cartoon. I've some ideas how we can do that
Nathalie Peregrine:Map of the venue:
Lianna Galstyan:yes Ali
Siranush Vardanyan:Ali we hear you
Lianna Galstyan:Ali, great, we really need to know our budget before we start showcase preparation
Ali AlMeshal:i lost you siranush
Ali AlMeshal:no sound
Lianna Galstyan:no sound
Nathalie Peregrine:AC audio dropped, reconnected now
Ali AlMeshal:yes i am in
Lianna Galstyan:no sound again
Ali AlMeshal:it is ok with me
Maureen Hilyard:ok with me too
Ali AlMeshal:thanks Silvia that will be a great help
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:hi all sotry I am late...
Ali AlMeshal:Hi cheryl
Siranush Vardanyan:welcome, Cheryl
Lianna Galstyan:Hi Cheryl
Silvia Vivanco:Singapore Venue map:
Silvia Vivanco:Usually the Showcases are in the same venue where the meeting takes place see the map
Silvia Vivanco:depending on the number of attendees meeting staff will give us a room
Lianna Galstyan:my connection is awful today, I permanently lose the room
Lianna Galstyan:and the number of representation from the countries as well can be mentioned, I guess, Ali
Satish Babu:Hi Cheryl
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:hi
Maureen Hilyard:So we could send the flip charts in a draft form to the staff and you can print it??
Maureen Hilyard:great
Ali AlMeshal:great
Maureen Hilyard:I am sure that Emani will be fine
Maureen Hilyard:I will tell Emani about a shot of the updated Google map... if they can let him know when it has been updated
Ali AlMeshal:I agree with Chryl
Maureen Hilyard:Great idea
Silvia Vivanco:The booklet can be customized yes
Ali AlMeshal:im in
Silvia Vivanco:so its a directory
Silvia Vivanco:but you can have more pages
Ali AlMeshal:yes
Silvia Vivanco:Okay Ali so I will coordinate with you
Ali AlMeshal:thanks
Ali AlMeshal:yes
Ali AlMeshal:yes
Nathalie Peregrine:Just FYI. we are still trying to get hold of Emani, and he is trying very hard too to join the call, but with little success
Maureen Hilyard:Has Singapore got a logo yet?
Maureen Hilyard:yes.. Emani will need this
Maureen Hilyard:I am thinking that Emani is considering some sponsorship for some of our accessories.. like the pins..
Silvia Vivanco:That would be fantastic!
Ali AlMeshal:that is realy great from Emani
Silvia Vivanco:Get it CLO, I will convey your message
Siranush Vardanyan:please, call to Emani +6835638 on Indigo
Silvia Vivanco:@ CLO can you please provide the sizes
Silvia Vivanco:and we can see a picture perhaps
Maureen Hilyard:That sounds fine
Maureen Hilyard:Be glad to work with you on that project Cheryl
Ali AlMeshal:ok
Nathalie Peregrine:@ Siranush, we have been trying to dial Emani on that number since the start of the call, he is very hard to get hold of, he has joined at times, but drropped quickly
Satish Babu:ok
Maureen Hilyard:that's the Pacific for you.. sorry...
Silvia Vivanco:List finalized
Silvia Vivanco:okay
Ali AlMeshal:i think we need our incoming Chair speach as well
Silvia Vivanco:Great idea!!
Lianna Galstyan:I agree with this idea
Maureen Hilyard:We could give out the sheets when people come in .. like a trivia quiz..
Silvia Vivanco:@ Maureen + 1
Silvia Vivanco:Siranush will be the first to speak yes
Ali AlMeshal:great then
Silvia Vivanco:and moderate
Siranush Vardanyan:I was dropped:)
Nathalie Peregrine:we are dialling you back
Ali AlMeshal:yes i agree
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:lion dance?
Siranush Vardanyan::))
Silvia Vivanco:correct funding
Silvia Vivanco:At large does not have budget for the dancers
Silvia Vivanco:yes this needs sponsorship
Silvia Vivanco:next call?
Silvia Vivanco:recurring day and time?
Maureen Hilyard:You've done well considering you bad cold..
Silvia Vivanco:Okay mid January then
Silvia Vivanco:okay noted
Maureen Hilyard:Middle of January will be great
Silvia Vivanco:doodle will be sent
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:thanks all... talk again soon...
Satish Babu:Thanks and bye
Ali AlMeshal:thanks to all
Maureen Hilyard:Thank you Siranush.. and all. Have a great Xmas
Maureen Hilyard:Bye