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 Julia Charvolen:Welcome to the At Large ICANN Academy Working Group on Tuesday 09 July at 1500 UTC
  Allan Skuce:I can hear you.
  Julia Charvolen:Thank you Allan!
  Ron Sherwood:Hi, Everyone
  Julia Charvolen:Welcome Ron
  Ron Sherwood:Thank you, Julia... I am just making a mic check can you hear me
  Julia Charvolen:Does S stand for Sandra?
  Sandra Hoferichter:Yes:)
  Sandra Hoferichter:Hi Everyone
  Julia Charvolen:Welcome Sandra
  Poncelet ileleji:Hello all
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello everyone
  Allan Skuce:Audio cut out.
  Poncelet ileleji:Audio seems out too
  Julia Charvolen:Can you hear Poncelet?
  Wolf Ludwig:Is there a link to the OEP?
  Heidi Ullrich:There is no link yet
  Heidi Ullrich:It is early days still
  Julia Charvolen:Please mute your lines if you are not speaking
  Wolf Ludwig:Sounds good, Sandra!
  Poncelet ileleji:Great idea indeed Sandra
  Wolf Ludwig:The others is "silent approval" ;-)
  Julia Charvolen:Marilyn Cade joined the meeting
  marilyn cade:I will only be online for 5 min, as I am in a car driving to a meeting. I was originally denied access from the moderator, so was delayed.
  marilyn cade:my apologies for that, but some problem resolved. However, I must now leave to be in my car to drive to a meeting.. this is disappointing as I would wish to contribute. Perhaps staff can dial out to me?
  Wolf Ludwig:Wow -- this is real multi-tasking, Marilyn! Impressed being here while driving a car.
  Heidi Ullrich:Marilyn, could you please let us know your cell number? Adigo will dial out to you.
  marilyn cade:no, just now packing my desk to get into car! then you can be impressed.
  Heidi Ullrich:and apologies for the delay in entering the AC room. You certainly should not have been denied by the moderator!
  marilyn cade:right, Heidi.: 1 202 251 6787. but give me now until 11:35, when I will jump into car! I delayed to do as much as possible here.
  Heidi Ullrich:Thanks
  Heidi Ullrich:ok, so in 10 minutes
  marilyn cade:Heidi:All experiences are valuable. :-) after all, all of our communities will not be well known ghosts, but new players, and so any experience will advise us!
  Heidi Ullrich:Poncelet, the staff who are developing the modules will be reaching out to the community for the development of the modules.
  Heidi Ullrich:They will be speaking with the Academy WG in Durban
  Heidi Ullrich:It is hoped they will be able to show an example in Durban.
  Poncelet ileleji:THank you Very Heidi, much appreciated
  Heidi Ullrich:There will also be four modules presented in August for community feedback
  marilyn cade:I was trying to comment. is that possible?
  marilyn cade:apparently no one can hear me
  Wolf Ludwig:No - sorry.
  marilyn cade:I am not muted on my end. am I muted?
  marilyn cade:am not showing as muted.
  Wolf Ludwig:Seems to be a problem with her line.
  marilyn cade:but let's not delay. move on/
  Heidi Ullrich:Adigo is dialing you, Marilyn.
  marilyn cade:I will have Heidi dial out to me and this isnt' urgent /but was more about how we collaborate during Durban, so can talk later?
  marilyn cade:dropping off now.
  marilyn cade:Adigo can redial to me, Heidi.
  marilyn cade:apologies to all colleagues! more via ust phone.
  Heidi Ullrich:Adigo is dialing you now, Marilyn.
  Julia Charvolen:Marilyn has joined
  Poncelet ileleji:great
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond 2:let's hope this goes ahead. This is a great program developed by the community for the community. And Multi-stakeholder too!!!
  Poncelet ileleji:I know Olivier I totally agree
  Heidi Ullrich:Nora and Chris will be meeting with the Academy WG in Durban formally and informally to ensure close collaboration of the AC/SO orientation program and the OEP.
  Heidi Ullrich:Agenda in Durban:     Presentation of the status of the OEP and how the WG can contribute and how it could be used for the PLT - Pilot Leadership training in Buenos Aires - With Nora Abusitta, Vice President of Public Responsibility Programs, and Chris Gift, Vice President, Online Community Services (20 min)    Discuss and agree on the target audience for the PLT and how to reach out (15 min)    Agree on trainers for the PLT (15 min)    Discussion on the curriculum for the PLT (30 min)    Next steps (10 min)
  Heidi Ullrich:The proposal for the AC/SO Orientation Pilot included the TORs.
  Heidi Ullrich:for the training as a whole
  Poncelet ileleji:well noted Heidi
  Heidi Ullrich:The proposal was sent to the Academy WG mailing list in May, I believe
  Heidi Ullrich:Sandra, would you like Marilyn's point to be an AI?
  Wolf Ludwig:Sorry, I have to leave this call now -- see you soon in Durban.
  Heidi Ullrich:Bye, Wolf. Safe travels!
  Poncelet ileleji:Safe Trip Wolf, see you in Durban
  Heidi Ullrich:To those who will be in Durban - safe travels!
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Take care all
  Poncelet ileleji:Safe Travbels and Bye
  Ron Sherwood:Thank you, Eerone, I will not be able to be in Durbam but I will be remotely in attendance
  Heidi Ullrich:Thanks for Chairing, Sandra.