Seth Greene 2: WT B CHAT: 17 NOV 2010
Seth Greene 2: Hello, everyone. The links needed for today's meeting are in the pod to the left.
CLO: Hi Seth
Seth Greene: Hi, Cheryl. I'll be dialing in shortly.
CLO: I'm not dioalled out to yet :-(
Seth Greene: I'll ask Adigo to call you.
CLO: they shouild have already
Seth Greene: They say they're calling you now.
CLO: NP tis still a bit ahead of the hour I've kjust been on other calls the last one wrapped up a little early I guess'
Seth Greene: An unexpected gift.
Seth Greene: In today's call, we're expected to work on the WT B Simplified Outline, so perhaps everyone would like to check the link to the left. It works fine for me.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Improve/pages/109588193/WT+B+Action+Items+-+3+November+2010
Seth Greene: WT B Minutes for 3 Nov: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Improve/pages/109588193/WT+B+Action+Items+-+3+November+2010
Seth Greene: No, ignore the above, pls.
Fouad Bajwa: Hi Everyone
Sébastien: I am in a conference it is why I am muted and mayby I will participate typing
Fouad Bajwa: i am in travel mode so i am remote here
CLO: Hi Fouad so will we be able to get to you viae? Pho
Fouad Bajwa: Is Analisa on the call
CLO: NO thus our desparation to connect with you
Fouad Bajwa: my fone is on roaming :)
Fouad Bajwa: i have to travel out of country to get my colombian visa
Fouad Bajwa: we have no consulate in pakistan
CLO: saw you in the google docs
CLO: Understood
Seth Greene: Hi, Fouad.
Fouad Bajwa: yes loaded the documents for the meeting
Fouad Bajwa: Hello Seth
Fouad Bajwa: does Adobe connect have any audio features for two way communication
CLO: Yes it does
Seth Greene: Fouad, with the Internet working for you, do you want to have the meeting on your phone on Roaming?
CLO: npot sure that it ios set up for this room though
Matthias Langenegger: Fouad could you call via Skype?
Fouad Bajwa: roaming call would drop as soon as a the credit finishes
CLO: understood Fouad
Seth Greene: Thanks, Fouad.
Fouad Bajwa: i am trying to find the call options for skype in switzerland
CLO: what about using Skype to dial in?
Fouad Bajwa: looking for that info at this very moment friends
CLO: info comi g
Fouad Bajwa: cool
Matthias Langenegger: 0 800 562747
Sébastien: even with a local N° as I experience in the US :(
Matthias Langenegger: Fouad this is the Swiss number
CLO: then usual passcode
Sébastien: Yes I us Skype
Sébastien: to call
Matthias Langenegger: do you use the US nubmer?
Sébastien: with the US N° it is 0 $
Matthias Langenegger: +1 (213) 233-3193
Sébastien: or the local N° where I am
Matthias Langenegger: Fouad maybe you can try the US toll free number: +1 (800) 550-6865
Sébastien: yes that the one
Sébastien: with Skype
Sébastien: but you new earphones ;)
Sébastien: earLaptop
Fouad Bajwa: what is the exact number that i have to type into the skype dialer because when i put in the above number with US region selected, it says number not recognized
Seth Greene: Minutes from 3 Nov: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Improve/pages/109588264/WT+B+Minutes+-+3+November+2010
Fouad Bajwa: what is the conference id?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: 1638
Sébastien: Our choice is Confluence or Confluence ;)
Fouad Bajwa: okay i am in the call and hear you all
Fouad Bajwa: i will just speak as soon as i am in a silent space
Fouad Bajwa: Noted
CLO: good we have Dev in Chair mode for the call atm
Fouad Bajwa: Please Dev should continue
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: http://posterous.com/help/autopost
CLO: and I'm here in that space http://clo3.posterous.com/
Fouad Bajwa: fouadbajwa.posterous.com
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: ttcs.posterous.com
Wolf Ludwig: Sorry for being late -- I still have problems with the switch from CEST to CET ...
Darlene: I'm sorry for being late too!@
Fouad Bajwa: Not me ;)
Fouad Bajwa: my call is on mute ;o)
Fouad Bajwa: On recommendations 3, 4, 9
Sébastien: sorry I was thinking to be already muted
Sébastien: Now it is done
Fouad Bajwa: we should collect all our information like brochures, intro packages,
Fouad Bajwa: ALS websites, etc
Fouad Bajwa: Too many links are like noodles
Fouad Bajwa: you never know which ends up where
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=0AhOqmBdY590QdEdSSVM4SUhvcmZRMU5iWk5fM2UyUVE&hl=en&output=html
Darlene: I don't see that as a problem
Sébastien: but not Iphone
Seth Greene: Dev, I believe we skipped item # 4 (which is somewhat related to but not the same as #3).
Fouad Bajwa: i say yes to pages for ALSs on confluence
Fouad Bajwa: Difficult today
Fouad Bajwa: cool Cheryl
Fouad Bajwa: great suggestion
Fouad Bajwa: oh my
CLO: Got to make the visa trip worthwhile ;-)
Wolf Ludwig: Will try my best!
Fouad Bajwa: Yes indeed
CLO: Thank You Dev
Fouad Bajwa: Thank you Dev
Fouad Bajwa: thanks for stepping in
Matthias Langenegger: Thank you all
Seth Greene: Thanks everyone, esp. Dev.
Fouad Bajwa: and thank you Cheryl for your suggestions
Fouad Bajwa: apologies for this sudden change, we had Eid holidays and travel all bunched together so
Fouad Bajwa: in my city, we call this a mango situation so was in a mango situation
CLO: I trust you also have your visa sorted
Fouad Bajwa: yes Cheryl, i am making it to colombia
Fouad Bajwa: will be there midnight of 4th
Fouad Bajwa: courtesy visa done
Fouad Bajwa: from Colombian Consulate in Berne
Wolf Ludwig: Glad that Berne was helpful, Fouad!
Fouad Bajwa: yes wolf
Fouad Bajwa: nice city
Wolf Ludwig: See you soon in Geneva.
Fouad Bajwa: and bears
Fouad Bajwa: yes early next week
Wolf Ludwig: prefer my wine ;-)
CLO: Good to hear :-) Safe travels
Fouad Bajwa: thank you Cheryl, you too, take care
Fouad Bajwa: looking forward to Colombia inshAllah
Wolf Ludwig: Safe travel to Colombia to you as well!
Fouad Bajwa: and safe travel prayers to all of us and our friends and colleagues to Colombia
Fouad Bajwa: its a long trip for everyone