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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0

Joop Teernstra


Director and CEO of Imachination Ltd., a small
Internet small Internet consultancy and web design firm.

Director of Terabytes of New Zealand Ltd. a closed
and closed and private (family) investment firm. Perform all
aspects all aspects of management.

There is no financial
ownershipfinancial ownership, direct or
indirector indirect, in any firm
that deals
with firm that deals with ICANN.

I am a Domain name registrant and I identify
with identify with Domain name registrants' typical
intereststypical interests. I have represented Individual
Domain Individual Domain Name Registrants at ICANN meetings
in meetings in the past and may possibly do so in the
futurethe future.

I have not sought or
obtained or obtained anyone's
approval s approval to join this
work this work team. 


  • GNSO Council Operations Work Team (GCOT)