Terri Agnew:Dear all, Welcome to the EURALO Monthly Meeting on Tuesday, 17 March 2015 at 1900 UTC
Terri Agnew:meeting page: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/NxxKBg
Wolf Ludwig:I hope that some more people will join!
Silvia Vivanco:Hello everyone
Wolf Ludwig:Received another apology from Yrjö Lansipuro -- please add him among the various apologies -- Thanks!
Silvia Vivanco:We have many apologies today
Wolf Ludwig:Well, a lot of them are traveling ...
Silvia Vivanco:yes
Yuliya Morenets:Good evening
Yuliya Morenets:Waiting to be called on my phone
Siranush Vardanyan:good evening to everyone
Wolf Ludwig:Has Olivier joined already via Adigo?
Terri Agnew:@Yuliya I just sent you a private AC chat
Rudi Vansnick:hello everyone
Wolf Ludwig:Hello Rudi
Rudi Vansnick:good to be here as a "visitor" ;-)
Silvia Vivanco:Hello welcome Yuliya, Siranush, Olivier and all
Yuliya Morenets:Hello Rudi
Siranush Vardanyan:hi,Rudi
Yuliya Morenets:We hear you
Terri Agnew:@Wolf, we are unable to hear you
Yuliya Morenets:@Wolf,do u hear the operator?
Narine Khachatryan (Armenia):Hello everyone!
Rudi Vansnick:Frans Gerbosch is calling in
Terri Agnew:Action Items 24 February 2015: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/CFxKBg
Rudi Vansnick:it is Narine
Narine Khachatryan (Armenia):I muted the microphone
Terri Agnew:Welcome Frans Gerbosch
Rudi Vansnick:he has some problems, will retry to connect to Adobe
Terri Agnew:@Rudi, please let me know if you need a dial out or join information for audio
Terri Agnew:Policy Advice Development Page: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/BQAeBg
Terri Agnew:Public Comment page: https://www.icann.org/public-comments
Terri Agnew:Welcome Christopher Wilkinson
Terri Agnew:At-Large Translation and Transliteration of Contact Information PDP Initial Report Workspace: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/u1EeBg
Terri Agnew:Welcome Lianna Galstyan
Lianna Galstyan:Hello everyone and sorry for being late, I've been on a meeting.
Terri Agnew:Special Budget Requests FY16: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/LBzvBQ
Heidi Ullrich:FY16 budget development workspace: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99556396/At-Large+FY16+Budget+Development+Workspace
Christopher Wilkinson:I have to leave the call for a little while. I shall try and come back on-line later. CW
Terri Agnew:@Christopher, thank you for the update
Rudi Vansnick:i'm leaving the call now ... had already 4 calls before and a last one in about 30 minutes
Rudi Vansnick:have a nice evening and a great meeting
Terri Agnew:goodbye Rudi
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks for the update, Rudi
Frans Gerbosch ISOC BE:Speak you soon Rudi
Silvia Vivanco:EURODIG :http://www.eurodig.org/eurodig-2015/
Frans Gerbosch ISOC BE:no comments
Siranush Vardanyan:excellent approach related to criteria
Yuliya Morenets:Fully support`
Fully support
Narine Khachatryan (Armenia):Fully support. Thank you very much Wolf for such objective selection of criteria
Lianna Galstyan:I see candidates from Armenia, I would propose also one other participant Hovhannes Aghajanyan, who is interested in EuroDIG participation. ISOC Armenia sponsored his participation to IGF last year.
Lianna Galstyan:oh, great
Terri Agnew:At-Large Review 2015 - 2019 (Current): https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/4AXHBQ
Frans Gerbosch ISOC BE:yes
Terri Agnew:@Christopher we are unable to hear you
Christopher Wilkinson:OK. Agree that way Wolf. C.
Christopher Wilkinson:+1@Olivier
Siranush Vardanyan:agree with Olivier
Christopher Wilkinson:Good night. Must leave now. Talk again soon. C.
Terri Agnew:goodbye Christopher
Siranush Vardanyan:thanks,Wolf, for a great meeting. bye all
Lianna Galstyan:Thanks Wolf and bye all
Narine Khachatryan (Armenia):Thank you, everyone. Good bye and good night