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Monthly Workplan ccNSO version February 2017.pdf

High level description of ccNSO Work Plan 2016-2018


Administration of ccNSO Council and ccNSO (Katrina Sataki)



Launch date

Target date




ccNSO Members application

Oversee and execute members application process



Abibu / Secretariat


Oversee and execute members application process.

ccNSO Council Meetings

Monthly (regular) ccNOS Council meetings

Ongoing ( monthly)


Chair of the ccNSO Council


Scheduling, Agenda setting preparatory meetings. Oversight secretariat


Include reference to ccNSO Council meetings once adopted

Oversight and appointment ccNSO WG

Oversee progress and progress WG and CCWG in which ccNSO is participating.





ccNSO Guideline WGs and possibly


Include link Guideline when adopted

Annual Work Plan 16-18

Describe annual work plan, based on discussion at annual planning workshop

March 2016

March 2018

Chair ccNSO / secretariat


Describe annual work plan, based on annual discussion


Include Guideline when adopted

Prep Annual Work Plan 17-19

Describe annual work plan, based on discussion at annual planning workshop

January  2017

March 2017

Chair ccNSO / secretariat



Monthly Work plan

Provide overview and update at detailed level of recently completed and upcoming activities/events

April 2016


Chair ccNSO / Secretariat



Triage/ prioritization

Assess importance and urgency for ccTLD to respond/participate in activities.



Triage Committee



Council Roles and Responsibilities

Assign(ed) roles and responsibilities to Councillors

March 2016

March 2017

Chair ccNSO


Include Guideline when adopted

Chair, vice-chair selection

Annual ccNSO chair and vice –chair selection by ccNSo Council

January 2017

March 2017

Chair ccNSO


Launch process for annual chair and vice-chairs election. Announce at January Council meeting

CSC members and liaisons appointment

Appointment by ccNSO of ccTLD members and approval of full slate of members and liaisons Customer Standing Committee

June 2016

15 August 2016

Appointed Selection manager


Procedure needs to be developed by GRC and approved by Council at meeting in Helsinki, after consultation community.


Interaction with RySG and GNSO

RZERC member appointment

Appointment by ccNSO of ccTLD members on RZERC

June 2016

15 August 2016

Appointed Selection manager


Procedure needs to be developed by GRC and approved by Council at meeting in Helsinki, after consultation community

Appointment ccNSO member on NomCom

ccNSO needs to appoint member on NomCom 2017, by September 2016.

May 2016

July 2016

Appointed selection manager


Procedure needs to be updated by GRC and approved by Council before start of procedure

ccNSO Council Election 2017

Annual Council Elections

August 2016

January 2017 (in case of run-off elections)

Council election manager


Procedure needs to be updated by GRC and approved by Council before start of procedure. Elected Councillors will take seat in March 2017

Board Seat 11 (S)Election

ccNSO Selection for Board 11

October 2016?

March 2017 (Run-off needs to concluded in March 2017 (6 months before October 2017)

Board Seat Selection manager


Procedure needs to be updated by GRC and approved by Council before start of procedure. Selected Board member will take seat in March 2017

ccNSO Review

ICANN Bylaw required review ccNSO

(Not earlier then January  2017)


Table 6

Projects and Activities to manage and administer Outreach and Engagement efforts focused on broader ccTLD community

Proposed Cluster Owner: Katrina Sataki


Interaction and Engagement (Katrina Sataki)



Launch date

Target date




ccNSO Meetings Helsinki (ICANN 56)

Coordinate all aspects re ccTLD meeting Helsinki ( 27-30 June 2016

March 2016

July 2016

Programme WG


Includes Agenda, Scheduling, Survey and review.


Include reference to Guideline and charter Program WG  when adopted

Tech Day ICANN 56

Coordinate Tech Day @ ICANN 56

March 2016

June 2016

Tech WG


ccNSO Travel funding Helsinki


March 2016

June 2016

ccNSO Travel Funding Committee

ccNSO Meeting ICANN 57

Coordinate all aspects re ccTLD meeting ICANN 57(28 Oct – 3 Nov 2016)

August 2016

November 2016

Programme WG


Include reference Guideline and charter Program WG when adopted

Tech Day ICANN 57

Coordinate Tech Day @ ICANN 57


November 2016

Tech WG


ccNSO Travel funding ICANN 57


August 2016

November 2016

ccNSO Travel Funding Committee

ccNSO Meeting ICANN 58

Coordinate all aspects re ccTLD meeting ICANN 58 (11-16 March 2017)

December 2016

March 2017

Programme WG


(Include Guideline, when adopted)

Tech Day ICANN 58

Coordinate Tech Day @ ICANN 58

January 2017

March 2017

Tech WG


ccNSO Travel Funding ICANN 58


November 2016

March 2017

ccNSO Travel Funding Committee

SO/AC chairs meeting

Formal meeting with chairs other SA/ACs

March 2016

March 2017



Part of ICANN meeting

Meeting with gNSO Council, GAC and ALC

Formal meeting with other SO and ACs

March 2016

March 2017



No structure in place ( ad-hoc agenda setting committees. Formalise to ensure broad support?

TLD-OPS mailing list

All aspects relating to incident response mailing list




TLD-OPS Standing Committee


Re-appointment of Steering committee March 2017.


Extension of list to information sharing and inclusion other TLDs

Review and Revamp ccNSO Website

ccNSO web-site will be redesigned 

October 2016

June 2017



Create user group to under auspices secretariat. Define user requirements and provide feed-back to ICANN communication

Social Media

User of twitter, Facebook and other channels

March 2016

March 2017

? / Secretariat


Create support group which together with secretariat will maintain and use social media for and from community

Update Regional Org meetings

Provide basic updates to ccTLD at Regional Organisations meetings

March 2016

March 2017

? / Secretariat


Provide basis slide set to Councillors who will inform ccTLD at Regional Organisations. Set up pool of Councillors, and basic template
