- ICANN Board - V Bertola
- GNSO - Alan Greenberg
- WHOIS - Wendy Seltzer
- IDNs - Hong
- ccNSO - Siavash Shashahani
- SSAC - Robert Guerra
- Chair’s activities
- Report of the Staff
- Working Practices of the Committee - Division of Labour / Subcommittees (from 28 June 2007) (2 min)
- Report from the ALAC Internal Rules of Procedure working group. Cheryl Langdon-Orr 2 min
- Vittorio's text has been revised to incorporate comments mentioned during the San Juan meeting as well as improvements made by the working group. A DRAFT version of the text was finalized on July 5th. (working group draft is attached to this wiki page)
- Discussion of finished document (12 min)
- Possible decisions:
- Adoption of document (new, old, ?)
- Continue working on document - solicit feedback from ALAC, and general At-large community and send back to WG for revision on next conf call.
- Adopt election rules procedure only and leave rest for improvements by WG, and subsequent adoption by ALAC on next conf. call
- Clear timeline needed if additional drafting/revision is ok'd by ALAC
- Possible decisions: